Saturday, May 5, 2018

May 5, 2018 Saturday#Corestrength#familyofGod#baseball#USSConstitution#8thmillennium!

Get Fit
5 Reasons to Do Pilates Exercises Regularly
This site gives you 5 reasons to do Pilates.  It is how I started my day.

Get Faith
Deuteronomy 6:5  "Love your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength."  The best reason you should is that God loves you this way.  He is all in why shouldn't you be?  Our 10 for 6 Bible study group meets the first Friday of the month, which was last night.  We meet at my house and have dinner together.  We talked about how much we care for each other because of our deep faith that we share, we are a family of our own choice, with God as our head.  It is easy to find information on Bible study suggestions and then invite some friends or family over and start this practice in your life.  Try it!

On this day
1995  Nicole called to tell me that Laura was spending the night.  She didn't have to ask, she knew it would be ok with me.  When I got home from work, Craig was over also and I ordered pizza.  After dinner we all went to the school for some baseball practice.  They were 10 and I know Nicole and Laura were on a city baseball team because I helped with coaching.  What a perfect Friday night!  Pizza and 3 best friends playing some baseball together.  I was just the pitcher.

1798 - U.S. Secretary of War William McHenry ordered that the USS Constitution be made ready for sea. The frigate was launched on October 21, 1797, but had never been put to sea. I have a little knowledge of putting a wood boat in the water after it has been sitting out for a considerable time.  It must be held afloat in the water until the wood swells back up and closes the gaps or it will sink like a rock.  

Sofia Bulgaria

Prehistory and antiquity[edit]

O: head of river-god Strymon R: trident
This coin imitates Macedonian issue from 187–168 BC. It was struck by Serdi tribe as their own currency.
A restored city plan of Roman Serdica under Marcus Aurelius(161–180)
Sofia has been an area of continuous human habitation since at least the 8th millennium BC,[4] but others have inhabited the area 30,000 years ago.[53] The city has a history of nearly 7000 years and it is the second oldest city in Europe according to the city's official website and other sources, though the meaning of the claim is unclear as in the world there were hardly any cities at the time. In the context, certainly the neolithic village in Slatina, dating to the 5th–6th millennium BC, is described.[54][54][55][56][57][58] However, the motto of the city is "grows, but does not age". Remains from another neolithic settlement around the National Art Gallery are traced to the 3rd–4th millennium BC, which has been the traditional centre of the city ever since and is not changed today.[59] The earliest tribes who settled were the Thracians. In 1400 – 1300 BC. Sofia's area was populated by the Thracian tribe of Tilataei. After the Celtic invasion in 3rd century BC Tilataei were conquered by the Celtic tribe of Serdi. The Celts were assimilated by the local Thracian population during the late Hellenistic period in 2nd – 1st century BC.[6] According to some sources, it got first an official mention in the 7th/8th century BC when the Serdi (Sardi) as a Thracian tribe established a settlement.[15][56][60] Other sources suppose that the Serdi's Celtic origin is convincingly evidenced through linguistic and archaeological clues but that their presence is not evidenced before the 1st century BC,[61] whereas others assume their mixed Thracian-Celtic origin or relation to the Sards. The earliest evidence of Celtic presence in the Sofia area (Pernik) can be from the 3rd century BC.[62] Some clues lead to the conclusion that the area of the settlement was between TZUMSheraton Hotel and the Presidency.[59][63]In the 500s BC, the area became part of a Thracian state union, called the Odrysian kingdom, when another Thracian tribe appeared in the town, the Odrysses. For a short period the Thracian rule was possibly interrupted by the Achaemenid Empire. In 339 BC Philip II of Macedon destroyed and ravaged the town which was its first time.[53]
Ancient origins!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Cinco de Mayo and Derby Day!
Happy Birthday to Gail!

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