Wednesday, May 30, 2018

May 30, 2018 Wednesday#Providedforandsaved#strong#Opera#AidainBulgaria!

Get Faith
Philippians 4:19 "And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus."  Prayers are answered everyday.  Are you still here?  If you are reading this I assume you are, and on a computer of some sort, that you have food to eat and a place to live.  Life has not let you down.  Maybe, you have suffered some losses in your life, but life goes on and you miss them but hope to see them again.  In heaven.  Our Triune God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit -  God is the way to heaven.  Build up your faith, your belief in God and let the Holy Spirit lead you to Jesus for the perfect path to having prayers answered and life eternal through salvation by Christ our Lord. 

Get Fit
Squats, side lunges, knee lifts, jumping jacks and deep lunges will get those legs in shape and strong for all the activities you want to do.  Don't just sit there!!!

On this day
1980  Chris and I went to the Traffic Jam for dinner and then to the N.Y. Met at the Masonic to see Aida.  It is Chris' favorite if I remember right.  She introduced me to Opera, well a few anyway and I appreciate it and also being noticed by Victor who worked the crowd for willing females for parties afterward.  Chris was married and would never, I considered it but didn't go.  I could have and did pick worse company then I think they would have been, maybe not, I'll never know.

 1980 - On "Midnight Special," the Temptations hosted. The guests were Firefall and Robbie Dupree.  Sounds like something I might have watched, had I been home.

Sofia Bulgaria Opera
Imagine my luck finding this!
We will be packing up and off to Greece in the next few days.  Get Some souvenirs!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Elizabeth!

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