Saturday, May 26, 2018

May 26, 2018 Saturday#Search#Bikeride!!#Boaters!#EvelKnievel#Cinema

Get Faith
Jeremiah 29:12-13  "Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. You will seek Me and find Me when your search for Me with all your heart."  I find myself saying prayers that I have said since I was 12 years old - and when I finish, I'm not sure, I don't remember saying them all.  Very often I fall asleep in the middle of my prayers.  I am comforted by the knowledge that God knows what is in my heart before I do.  My soul prays for me when I am not conscious.  Search for your faith with all your heart and God will hear you.

Get Fit
Come on!  Summer is here!  Get moving on those activities that make you feel so much better, stronger, leaner, and able!  I picked Pilates today.  I really like the balance and core strength I feel after I'm done.  Do what you like!! But do something!

On this day
1975  Let the boating begin!  It was Memorial Day weekend - Monday and Pete decided not to risk our relationship and didn't go to Put in Bay with the guys.  We were lucky to get a well at Metropolitan Beach (they were like hen's teeth on holidays)  and I listed a million friends that we hadn't seen since last summer.  We were boaters.  Most of them, I didn't even know where they lived or what type of home they had or work they did.  We were all boaters.  But Metro wasn't the only place to go.  We left Metro and headed over to Ford's cove and tied off of Rocky for a while and then headed to the marina and found Pat and Pam, who I am still very good friend with, not just boaters.

1975 - American stuntman Evel Knievel suffered severe spinal injuries in Britain when he crashed while attempting to jump 13 buses in his car.  we were always waiting for his final crash, what a nut.
I'm pretty sure he had more scars than brains.

Sofia Bulgaria

Vitosha Boulevard, the main shopping street in the city.
Cinema is the most popular form of entertainment. In recent years, cinematic venues have been concentrated in trade centres and malls, and independent halls have been closed. Mall of Sofia holds one of the largest IMAX cinemas in Europe. Most films are American productions, although European and domestic films are increasingly shown. Odeon (not part of the Odeon Cinemas chain) shows exclusively European and independent American films, as well as 20th century classics. Bulgaria's once thriving film industry, concentrated in the Boyana Film studios, has suffered a period of decline since 1990. A relative revival of the industry began after 2001. After the acquisition of Boyana Film by Nu Image, several moderately successful productions have been shot in and around Sofia, such as The ContractThe Black DahliaHitman and Conan the Barbarianand Spartacus. The Nu Boyana Film studios have also hosted some of the scenes for The Expendables 2.
The city houses many cultural institutes such as the Russian Cultural Institute, the Polish Cultural Institute, the Hungarian Institute, the Czech and the Slovak Cultural Institutes, the Italian Cultural Institute, the French Cultural Institute, Goethe InstitutBritish CouncilInstituto Cervantes, and the Open Society Institute, which regularly organise temporary expositions of visual, sound and literary works by artists from their respective countries.
Some of the biggest telecommunications companies, TV and radio stations, newspapers, magazines, and web portals are based in Sofia, including the Bulgarian National TelevisionbTV and Nova TV. Top-circulation newspapers include 24 Chasa and TrudGo shopping but let's not spend the day in a movie theater today - well maybe after dinner it would be nice to sit and watch a movie!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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