Monday, May 21, 2018

May 21, 2018 Monday#Abused#energize#alwaysbusy#Museum!!

Get Faith
Luke 6:27-36  "Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you."  I got hooked into reading a litany on Facebook this morning about a person who was completely disregarded by his family his entire life.  I find it hard to believe that while his brother got CD players and the like, he would get old rusty trash in a dirty box from the garage for Christmas.  This person goes on and on about a lifetime of abuse from his family.  He is now an adult, self supporting and successful - but, still goes back for holidays for more of the same.  As I said, I find it hard to believe that anyone that would suffer a lifetime of this treatment, would 1. Go back for more and 2. be successful in life, but, maybe he reads the Bible and this verse particularly.  It is good advise, more for you than the others.

Get Fit
Jillian and I went head to head today.  I did pretty well considering I have felt un-energetic lately. When you are successful at working out first thing it sets you up for more energy and confidence all through the day!  Give it a try.

On this day
2014  Was a Wednesday, a busy day.  I took Mom to the foot doctor.  Dr Warren told me he had known my Mom longer that he was married to his wife - and he had teenage boys!  He made calls to her at Beechwood, the last place she was.  After that I went to the garden center ($) and bought flowers stopped at Wendy's for lunch with Mom (we loved the chicken pecan salad) and then worked in the yard all day.  I got cleaned up later and went to an old friend from boat racing, Barb Rinke's funeral and later heard from Don that he didn't feel well enough to go to our dance lesson that night.  We took classes for 3 years I think, it had to be bad for him to miss.  What are you doing today!?

1471 - King Henry VI was killed in the tower of London. Edward IV took the throne. From all I heard I would stay out of that tower.

Sofia Bulgaria
The National Opera and Ballet of Bulgaria is a combined opera and ballet collective, established in 1891. However, it did not begin performances on a regular basis until 1909. Some of Bulgaria's most famous operatic singers, such as Nicolai Ghiaurov and Ghena Dimitrova, have made their first appearances on the stage of the National Opera and Ballet. The National Palace of Culture regularly hold classical concerts. Bulgaria's largest art museums are located in the central areas of the city. Two emblematic galleries in Sofia – the National Art Gallery and the National Gallery for Foreign Art united their collections in a new structure. Seven Ministers of Culture have worked on this project over the years. The project gathered under one roof a host of Bulgarian, European, American, Asian and African works of art. Nearly two thousand works created by artists from Bulgaria and abroad are on display in twenty eight exhibition halls. Following a special competition, the art collection was named National Gallery Square 500 (source). Its collections encompass diverse cultural items such as Ashanti Empire sculptures, Buddhist art, Dutch Golden Age painting, works by Albrecht DürerJean-Baptiste Greuze and Auguste Rodin, among others. The cryptof the Alexander Nevsky cathedral holds a collection of Eastern Orthodox icons from the 9th to the 19th century. Other museums are the National Historical Museum with a collection of more than 600,000 items; the National Polytechnical Museum with more than 1,000 technological items on display; the National Archaeological Museum and the Museum of Natural History. The SS. Cyril and Methodius National Library houses the largest national collection of books and documents (1,714,211 books and some 6 million other documents)[113] and is Bulgaria's oldest cultural institute. The Boyana Church, a UNESCO World Heritage site, contains realistic frescoes, depicting more than 240 human images and a total 89 scenes, were painted. With their vital, humanistic realism they are a Renaissance phenomenon at its culmination phase in the context of the common-European art.[114] Muzeiko is a new museum opened in 2015. It is a space with over 130 interactive games created for children and curious adults. The entire content of the museum is designed to inspire children to learn, discover and explore the sciences, while helping children, their families and educators spend time together actively and effectively.[citation neededI would think because of the ancient history and location of this 
country, this would be a super interesting museum to visit!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Sande!!

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