Friday, August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018 Friday #community#RESIST!#Five Branded Women#Wabag! here we come!

Get Faith
Psalm 33:12  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."  In reading from Joshua this morning I learned how important each one of us are to the community we belong to.  Whether it is a church, a neighborhood, a team, a city or a larger unit, the entire structure can be brought down by one person.  If that one person seeks to find their own good over and above the community it is similar to a pothole - it all begins to crack.  One man in Joshua's community took articles from the temple that belonged to the Lord and God withheld his protection from the entire community until it was dealt with.  We, are no longer under the law that Joshua upheld - we, are forgiven in Christ our Lord, but the damage from one person in a community can still be felt like a ripple in a pond.  Pray for a better community - a better world.

Get Fit  
I worked out with the resistance bands this morning.  There is a great place on line that offers different sets you can do that are simple and all you need is a resistance band, available on line or most stores that sell workout equipment.  I saw one at Target recently.  Go to "resistance band workouts" and it should come up.  Try it!

On this day
1968 - My fiancee Don and I were babysitting for my brother Mark.  Mom belonged to some single groups and I think that is where she was on this night.  After all, she was only 45 and actually did meet her next husband around this time.  So Don and I watched a movie "Five Branded Women" on TV and I mentioned in my journal that I liked the movie.  Now think back... they didn't run any trash on TV back then so I'm guessing it was historical.  Maybe we can Netflix it.  It might have been in color.

1852 - The first pre-stamped envelopes were created with legislation of the U.S. Congress. We know why they don't do this anymore -  they would have to be forever stamps because the rates go up so often nowadays.

Vietnam to Wabag Papa New Guinea
Today we leave Vietnam, which I have found really interesting due to the huge effect it had on my generation.  Let's see what Papa New Guinea is about from a base in the city of Wabag.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Skip!

Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 30, 2018 Thursday #Foundation#Plank#Entertainment#Pho

Get Faith
Luke 6 46-49  The Wise and Foolish Builders.  I coincidentally read two pieces from the Bible this morning.  In reading through Joshua I came to this story in the old testament about Joshua and the city of Jericho.  The  story that tells of trusting God to accomplish what he promises.  The Israelite s followed the directions to march around the city for 6 days and on the 7th day after marching around 7 times they shouted and the walls came tumbling down.  The story in Luke tells of building on a solid foundation (of faith) so that your faith does not come tumbling down.   The stories are both relevant in learning and following God's word.  I'm listening God.

Get Fit
Although I am fighting a low blood count and the exhaustion that comes with it - I push myself to continue strengthening myself.  When they find out what is causing it I will be able to fight back.  Don't lose heart if you have set backs with life or health issues.  If you keep moving and keep up your strength you can deal with what ever comes.  I did the Daily Dozen today and actually did 2 one minute planks and 30 seconds of a third.  That might be my best time yet - shooting for 3 -1 minute planks.

On this day
2017  - Last year my friend Linda was here from Texas.  She had a class reunion, met up with an old friend and his brother and I had been showing them around town - a memory tour.  The friends left and on this day Linda and I went downtown, walked Hart Plaza and the Riverwalk, we took the Q line which had just opened last year, we ate at the Shake Shack (I found out they had beer) stopped in at Hardrock Cafe and then drove home down Woodward, through Ferndale and Royal Oak, so she could see the great changes made since she moved away 30 years ago.  That evening we met with Pam, Norma and Waynette at Gilberts for dinner and watched the Harper Cruise for a few hours after that.  So If you are looking for an entertainment guide - call me, I'm cheap, I work for beer.

1645 - American Indians and the Dutch made a peace treaty at New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam later became known as New York



Pho, one of the most popular Vietnamese dishes
Vietnamese cuisine traditionally features a combination of five fundamental taste "elements" (Vietnamesengũ vị): spicy (metal), sour (wood), bitter (fire), salty (water) and sweet (earth).[188] Common ingredients include fish sauceshrimp pastesoy sauce, rice, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. Vietnamese recipes use lemongrassgingermintVietnamese mintlong corianderSaigon cinnamonbird's eye chililime and basil leaves.[189]Traditional Vietnamese cooking is known for its fresh ingredients, minimal use of oil, and reliance on herbs and vegetables, and is considered one of the healthiest cuisines worldwide.[190]
In northern Vietnam, local foods are often less spicy than southern dishes, as the colder northern climate limits the production and availability of spices. Black pepper is used in place of chilis to produce spicy flavors. The use of such meats as pork, beef, and chicken was relatively limited in the past, and as a result freshwater fish, crustaceans – particularly crabs – and mollusks became widely used. Fish sauce, soy sauce, prawn sauce, and limes are among the main flavoring ingredients. Many signature Vietnamese dishes, such as bún riêu and bánh cuốn, originated in the north and were carried to central and southern Vietnam by migrants.[191]    Maybe I will find a recipe for some of this, looks good.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

August 29, 2018 Wednesday#Trust and be saved#Pilates#Tattoo!# Ao dai!

Get Faith
Psalm 71  "In thee, O Lord, do I put my trust; let me never be put to confusion.  Deliver me in they righteousness, and cause me to escape; incline thine ear unto me, and save me."  The devotion leader reminds us -"His grace is sufficient." no matter how bad we screw up, He has us covered - you can trust in Him.

Get Fit
I keep telling myself that someday I will complete the entire hour + video on Pilates.  I think I lasted just over half an hour today.  I do like Pilates and If I could afford to go to a studio to do it I would, but in the meantime.....

On this day
2015  Nicole, Pam, Don and I were in Scotland - "Breakfast - Nicole and Pam slept late.  Bus tour to Edinburgh Castle and city - Free time - all day,  Edinburgh very busy  Fringe Festival  lots of people   drink @ Royal McGregor bar - dinner @ Deacon Brady's.  TATTOO @ Edinburgh castle.  COLD but great seats!  found bus - back to hotel."  Each day is still alive in my mind and with a little reminder it all comes back.  What a great trip!!
Nancy McCarthy's photo.  Here we are in Scotland!

1833 - The "Factory Act" was passed in England to settle child labor laws. Not in all countries even now.



The áo dài, a formal dress, is worn for special occasions such as weddings and religious festivals. White áo dài is the required uniform for girls in many high schools across Vietnam. Áo dài was once worn by both genders, but today it is mostly the preserve of women, although men do wear it to some occasions, such as traditional weddings.[182] Other examples of traditional Vietnamese clothing include the áo tứ thân, a four-piece woman's dress; the áo ngũ, a form of the thân in 5-piece form, mostly worn in the north of the country; the yếm, a woman's undergarment; the áo bà ba, rural working "pyjamas" for men and women;[183] the áo gấm, a formal brocade tunic for government receptions; and the áo the, a variant of the áo gấm worn by grooms at weddings. Traditional headwear includes the standard conical nón lá and the "lampshade-like" nón quai thao.
KOCIS Korea Hanbok-AoDai FashionShow 03 (9766157012).jpgVery Pretty  ao dai they call it.
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Hpapy Birthday to Alice R and Ken B!!!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

August 28, 2018 Tuesday#Always#Stay strong#Summer#Happyland?

Get Faith
Psalm 103:12-13  "As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.  As a father has compassion on his children, so the Lord has compassion on those who fear Him."  This is my favorite psalm.  It covers everything to me.  I have not lived a Godly life, not even close and yet I know I am forgiven and that my Father in heaven loves me and has forgotten my sins.  Do you believe you are forgiven?  Do you admit that you have sinned? Or do you think you have been a good person all along?  Our God knows us and loves us - from east to west and north to south.  Always.

Get Fit
I worked out with the resistance bands this morning.  It is not as in depth as most things but just a little workout to keep toned and strong.   I was the one in the driveway of 4 women yesterday that picked up the heavy pan of ribs and carried it into the house without trouble.  Do what you can.

On this day
2013  I was in my first year of retirement and spent this day in the yard working in my gardens.  Oh what bliss!  Really I enjoy it (if I don't have to worry about poison ivy)  Nicole and Don went and played golf - something they really enjoyed.

1619 - Ferdinand II was elected Holy Roman Emperor. His policy of "One church, one king" was his way of trying to outlaw Protestantism. That didn't work.



Vietnam has become a major tourist destination since the 1990s, assisted by significant state and private investment, particularly in coastal regions.[177] About 3.77 million international tourists visited Vietnam in 2009 alone.[178]
Popular tourist destinations include the former imperial capital of Hué, the World Heritage Sites of Phong Nha-Kẻ Bàng National ParkHội An and Mỹ Sơn, coastal regions such as Nha Trang, the caves of Hạ Long Bay and the Marble Mountains. Numerous tourist projects are under construction, such as the Bình Dương tourist complex, which possesses the largest artificial sea in Southeast Asia.[179]
On 14 February 2011, Joe Jackson, the father of American pop star Michael Jackson, attended a ground breaking ceremony for what will be Southeast Asia's largest entertainment complex, a five-star hotel and amusement park called Happyland. The US$2 billion project, which has been designed to accommodate 14 million tourists annually, is located in southern Long An Province, near Ho Chi Minh City. It was expected that the complex would be completed in 2014.[180] As of 2017, Happyland has yet to open.[181]  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Matthew, Karen, Bill, & Ellen

August 27, 2018 Monday #All are welcome#I'm an oldie#The Blohms#Milton#Hope

Get Faith
Mark 2:15 "Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi's house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many, and they followed Him."  Jesus himself said "I did not come to save the righteous, but the sinners."  Jesus came to rescue God's people, the ones that needed rescuing. He came to help the helpless, heal the sick in spirit and lift those who had lost hope in ever receiving salvation.  Do you need Him?  He is here for you.

Get Fit
After yet another weekend of eating and drinking, it is time to get back on the wagon to good health.  Not that the food I ate wasn't healthy, it was, except maybe that chocolate cake and ice cream, but hey!  You gotta have it once in a while!  So I started the day with Richard dancing to "I'm a soul Man"  You know how I love those oldies!  My heart races just listening, but I did the aerobics too..

On this day
2011  I was going through a tough time with my health.  I had colon surgery set for the upcoming Friday so I was trying to put my house and everything in order.  I went over to Clancy's and picked up some pails of stones to fill in the holes behind the house - again, and took care of the gardens.  That evening Waynette, Tilly, Mark Fett and I drove out to John and Betty Blohms house for our dinner for six group.  We are always wondering what years and who was in what group so here is this one, to answer for this year.  I am still in a group, now for 10 with the Blohms. 

1660 - The books of John Milton were burned in London due to his attacks on King Charles II. And yet some remained.  John Milton, (born December 9, 1608, London, England—died November 8?, 1674, London?), English poet, pamphleteer, and historian, considered the most significant English author after William Shakespeare.
Milton is best known for Paradise Lost, widely regarded as the greatest epic  poem in English. Together with Paradise Regained and Samson Agonistes, to name a few
About 8% of the population are Christians, totalling around six million Roman Catholics and fewer than one million Protestants. Catholicism was introduced to Vietnam by Portuguese and Dutch traders in the 16th and 17th centuries and propagated by French missionaries in the 19th and 20th centuries. Protestantism was spread by American missionaries during the Vietnam War, largely among the Montagnards of South Vietnam.
The largest Protestant churches are the Evangelical Church of Vietnam and the Montagnard Evangelical Church. Two-thirds of Vietnam's Protestants are reportedly members of ethnic minorities.[141] Although a small religious minority, Protestantism is claimed to be the country's fastest-growing religion, expanding at a rate of 600% in the previous decade.[142]  That is encouraging, to me at least.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Demetrius!

Sunday, August 26, 2018

August 26, 2018 Sunday #The path#Good health#Friends#Pieta#8.2%Christian

Get Faith
Deuteronomy 30:19-20  "Now choose life, so that you and your children may live and that you may love the Lord you God, listen to His voice, and hold fast to Him.  For the Lord is your life."  This is my path.  I have always believed in God, feared and trusted in Him and when Nicole was born I promised that I would bring her up in the church and I prayed she would keep the faith as well.  I have been blessed that not only is she faithful but her life's work is for the Lord.  God has been so very good to me in answering my prayers and caring for me.  I hope the same for everyone.

Get fit
Being healthy is on everyone's mind these days.  I think half of the ads on TV are about eating right and getting exercise.  Lately I have heard more about the importance of rest and sleep and how necessary it is to good health.  Check your habits and see if you can improve on your current status with taking care of yourself.  It is important - oh and get those check ups!!

On this day
2013  My life had changed I was now retired, but somethings never change.  Today is my friend Pam's birthday, we have been friends since 1973 and always celebrate birthdays and do dinner every month.  On this day in 2013 we (Pam, Norma and I) went to Ruby Tuesdays for dinner.  Today Norma is having dinner and I'm bringing salad and cake.  I love all my friends.

1498 - Michelangelo was commissioned to make the "Pieta." 
It is beautiful.

According to an analysis by the Pew Research Center, in 2010 about 45.3% of the Vietnamese adhere to indigenous religions, 16.4% to Buddhism, 8.2% to Christianity, 0.4% to other faiths, and 29.6% of the population isn't religious.[136]

According to the General Statistics Office of Vietnam's report for 1 April 2009, 6.8 million (or 7.9% of the total population) are practicing Buddhists, 5.7 million (6.6%) are Catholics, 1.4 million (1.7%) are adherents of Hòa Hảo, 0.8 million (0.9%) practise Caodaism, and 0.7 million (0.9%) are Protestants. In total, 15,651,467 Vietnamese (18.2%) are formally registered in a religion.[137] According to the 2009 census, while over 10 million people have taken refuge in the Three Jewels of Buddhism,[138][139] the vast majority of Vietnamese people practice ancestor worship in some form. According to a 2007 report, 81% of the Vietnamese people do not believe in a God.[140]  Not surprising to me, to my knowledge 
communist countries don't encourage religion.  Too bad.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Pam

Saturday, August 25, 2018

August 25, 2018 Saturday#With God#I'm a nuisance#Nice boss#French Quarter!#Hmong

Get Faith 
Psalm 37:5-6   "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:  He will make your righteousness shine like the day, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."  The closer you get to God, by reading and studying His word, the easier it is to see the path that He wants you on and that will give you the best life.  Everything you do gets easier and better when you understand His plan for you.

Get fit
Nicole took off for a long run and I worked out my arms and legs with weights today.  I have been going on a walk after dinner most days and am enjoying that again.  Where do you live?  Do you live by a park or a nature path or in the city like me?  I love to walk around my neighborhood and just see what different landscaping people have done and I especially like getting all the dogs in the neighborhood barking.  Yep.

On this day
2009  I complain about my boss but there were times when he was a gem.  On this day I had bought a new dryer but they wouldn't hook it up because of the gas line.  It had to be brought up to code. (I didn't know it wasn't).  The boss sent his nephew Mark over to fix it for me.  It was a terrible job he had to contend with  but Mark was a terrific guy and when he left my dryer was working.  I should remember all the good times as well.  Oh and Nicole started back to Moosejaw on this day, I imagine she worked at camp in the summer and Moosejaw kept her job open.

1718 - Hundreds of colonists from France arrived in Louisiana. Some settled in present-day New Orleans. Vive la New Orleans!! and the French Quarter!



According to the 2009 census, the dominant Viet or Kinh ethnic group constituted nearly 73.6 million people, or 85.8% of the population. The Kinh population is concentrated mainly in the alluvial deltas and coastal plains of the country. A largely homogeneous social and ethnic group, the Kinh possess significant political and economic influence over the country. However, Vietnam is also home to 54 ethnic minority groups, including the HmongDaoTayThai, and Nùng. Many ethnic minorities – such as the Muong, who are closely related to the Kinh – dwell in the highlands, which cover two-thirds of Vietnam's territory. Before the Vietnam War, the population of the Central Highlands was almost exclusively Degar (including over 40 tribal groups); however, Ngô Đình Diệm's South Vietnamese government enacted a program of resettling Kinh in indigenous areas.[128] The Hoa (ethnic Chinese)[129] and Khmer Krompeople are mainly lowlanders. As Sino-Vietnamese relations soured in 1978 and 1979, some 450,000 Hoa left Vietnam.[130]

Hmong women in traditional dress in Sa Pa, northern Vietnam

Enjoy the day!! Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Andrea and Jamie!

Friday, August 24, 2018

August 24, 2018 Friday #See Jesus#Adjust#Caring#Train service

Get Faith
John 12 20-21  "Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the Feast.  They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. "Sir" they said, "we would like to see Jesus."  There had been so many reports of His healing and raising people from the dead that people would come from everywhere to see Him. His teaching was unparalleled.  We would all love to see Jesus today.  There is a song "Open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to see you."  We are taught to be that person that others can see Jesus in.  The Spirit gives us that ability to feel His love and guidance for us everyday.  Let others see Jesus in you.

Get Fit
I worked out with Jillian today.  I have to adjust so I can accomplish more.  Some I cannot do at all so I compromise.  If you are younger you push yourself to keep up but at 71 I am happy to do one set or adjust to something I can accomplish.  You do you. But, do something!

On this day
2008  I was out at Fitzpatrick"s taking care of him for the weekend.  He would think of anything to go somewhere, especially on Sundays when he knew I would be leaving later in the afternoon.  He wanted to go to the dollar store to get razor blades.  After a lifetime of being independent and capable of doing whatever whim hit him, now a simple thing (because he was blind) was a big deal.  He didn't sleep at night, he would take Chico, his dog out every hour and I think spent a lot of time on what he needed  before I left for the week.  On this day his son Randy came over and said I could leave, that he would take care of him.  I came home and Mom, Nicole and I went to Bob Evans for dinner.  Mom liked to get out too.

0079 - Mount Vesuvius erupted killing approximately 20,000 people. The cities of Pompeii, Stabiae and Herculaneum were buried in volcanic ash. They must have thought it was the end of the world and it was for them.



A rail crossing near Mỹ Sơn
Vietnam's primary cross-country rail service is the Reunification Express, which runs from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi, covering a distance of nearly 2,000 kilometres. From Hanoi, railway lines branch out to the northeast, north and west; the eastbound line runs from Hanoi to Hạ Long Bay, the northbound line from Hanoi to Thái Nguyên, and the northeast line from Hanoi to Lào Cai.
In 2009, Vietnam and Japan signed a deal to build a high-speed railway using Japanese technology; numerous Vietnamese engineers were later sent to Japan to receive training in the operation and maintenance of high-speed trains. The railway will be a 1,630-km-long[118] express route, serving a total of 26 stations, including Hanoi and the Thu Thiem terminus in Ho Chi Minh City.[119] Using Japan's Shinkansen technology,[120] the line will support trains travelling at a maximum speed of 360 kilometres (220 mi) per hour. The high-speed lines linking Hanoi to VinhNha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City will be laid by 2015. From 2015 to 2020, construction will begin on the routes between Vinh and Nha Trang and between Hanoi and the northern provinces of Lào Cai and Lạng Sơn I don't imagine it was like this back during the war.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mark and Kati!

Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 23, 2018 Thursday#Follow#Abs not arms#Suicide#Air Transport

Get Faith
Proverbs 3:5-6  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."  The Lord wants you to know Him and trust Him.  He knows best.  I, also think because of my vast experience that I have the best answers but I have learned that isn't necessarily so.  And then there is that path thing too.  Follow Him.

Get Fit
Worked out my back and arms pretty good yesterday, cleaning out an overgrown garden so I decided to stick to abs today.  Once in a while you have to clean the growth from the path so it looks  like a path or garden again.  We can get cluttered can't we?

On this day
2006  When I got to work on this day I found out that my bosses -girlfriend's son committed suicide.
He was a successful day trader, single, lived in a beautiful place in Florida and was a very good looking young man.  We can only ask why.  I was not real close to his mother but I can tell you she was devastated by this. It was, from what I gathered not in anyway expected.  Suicides are becoming very common by teens, by vets and among the wealthy elite.  Keep your eyes, ears and heart open to your loved ones, especially if they are being treated for depression, which is rampant in our society today.  Why?  I know what I think but if you have another suggestion, what is it?

1838 - The first class graduated from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley, MA. It was one of the first colleges for women. Hey Kristin this is interesting!  



Much of Vietnam's modern transport network was originally developed under French rule to facilitate the transportation of raw materials, and was reconstructed and extensively modernized following the Vietnam War.


Vietnam Airlines Airbus A350

Tan Son Nhat International Airportin Ho Chi Minh City, one of the busiest airports in Vietnam
Vietnam operates 21 major civil airports, including three international gateways: Noi Bai in HanoiDa Nang International Airport in Da Nang, and Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh City. Tan Son Nhat is the nation's largest airport, handling 75% of international passenger traffic. According to a state-approved plan, Vietnam will have 10 international airports by 2015 – besides the aforementioned three, these include Vinh International AirportPhu Bai International AirportCam Ranh International AirportPhu Quoc International AirportCat Bi International AirportCần Thơ International Airport and Long Thanh International Airport. The planned Long Thanh International Airport will have an annual service capacity of 100 million passengers once it becomes fully operational in 2020.
Vietnam Airlines, the state-owned national airline, maintains a fleet of 69 passenger aircraft,[115][116] and aims to operate 150 by 2020. Several private airlines are also in operation in Vietnam, including Air MekongJetstar Pacific AirlinesVASCO and VietJet AirThis is huge considering where they were 50 years ago.  I think.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Angel!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

August 22, 2018 Wednesday#Shape up#Good shape#Church and Albion#Bad drivers

Get Faith
Jeremiah 18:6  "Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in My hand.  Only if you are open to be shaped into the best you can be, if you opt out, heaven only knows what shape you might be in.

Get Fit
I went to my doctor yesterday and he said I was in great shape!  All of my numbers came in right and he pooh poohed my leg veins - "everybody gets those"  he said.  So, I guess I will stick with the same program and let God shape my soul.

On this day
2004  Our Pastor was in Australia so the congregation was on its own this day.  I went to both services and I led the liturgy at the 10:30 service.  It was the first day that I noted that Waynette came to church.  When I got home Chris Lynch came over with her mini van and we loaded up Nicole and moved her back to Albion.  I remember there was a lot of road construction and Chrissy and I had a lonnng ride home.  It was easier taking her back to college this year then the year before - when Marty and I cried all the way home.  We lost Marty to a brain aneurysm the past year so his sister Chris came and filled in.  We may have cried about Marty on the way home.

2004 - In Oslo, Norway, a version of Edvard Munch's "The Scream" and his work "Madonna" were stolen from the Munch Museum. This version of "The Scream," one of four different versions, was a tempera painting on board. Wonder if it has been found.



A section of the North–South Expressway linking Cầu Giẽ and Ninh Bình
Vietnam's road system includes national roads administered at the central level, provincial roads managed at the provincial level, district roads managed at the district level, urban roads managed by cities and towns, and commune roads managed at the commune level. Bicycles, motor scooters and motorcycles remain the most popular forms of road transport in Vietnam's urban areas, although the number of privately owned automobiles is also on the rise, especially in the larger cities. Public buses operated by private companies are the main mode of long-distance travel for much of the population.
Road safety is a serious issue in Vietnam – on average, 30 people are killed in traffic accidents every day.[117] Traffic congestion is a growing problem in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, as the cities' roads struggle to cope with the boom in automobile use.  Sounds like they should stick to the buses.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Linda, Carmen, Lauren, Kevin and Ken!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

August 21, 2018 Tuesday#He loves you#Yoga and rain#Ready Go#Rebound

Get Faith
1 Peter 5-7 "Let him have all your worries and cares, for he is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."  He knows all that goes on in your life - you one in a trillion billion people - knows and cares about you.  Because He is God - all powerful, all knowing and eternal.  He is everywhere you go - because He is God.  He cares about YOU.  He knows what your troubles are and wants you to bring them to him.  Go ahead.  You can talk to Him anyway you want, He wants to hear from you.  He isn't mad at you - He loves you.

Get Fit
Nothing like a soft rain falling and AM yoga.  I hope that I can continue doing my yoga poses as old as I get.  It is like a measure of how able I am to me.  If I can still sit cross legged, if I can still lift to a downward dog, sit in a chair pose, with no chair and stretch up in a standing mountain pose, then I can still be actively involved in life and doing God's work where I can.  How do you measure your health ability?

On this day
2003 - We had purchased all the supplies and appliances she would need.  She was all packed and ready to go the next day.  We ordered pizza.  Nicole and Laura came home from Lakeside, after probably purchasing those last minute things and talking a hundred miles an hour as they could do.  Mom, Jan and Marty, the Nieto's came over for a farewell party.  Andy and Alice called to say good luck and so did Norma.  We loaded Uncle Marty's van.  A lot of parents are going through this right now.  I liken it to the first day of kindergarten only it is college.  My condolences to all parents experiencing this now.

2003 - In Ghana, businessman Gyude Bryant was selected to oversee the two-year power-sharing accord between Liberia's rebels and the government. The accord was planned to guide the country out of 14 years of civil war.  I wonder how this went.

Vietnam's Customs office reported in July 2013 that the total value of international merchandise trade for the first half of 2013 was US$124 billion, which was 15.7% higher than the same period in 2012. Mobile phones and their parts were both imported and exported in large numbers, while in the natural resources market, crude oil was a top-ranking export and high levels of iron and steel were imported during this period. The U.S. was the country that purchased the highest amount of Vietnam's exports, while Chinese goods were the most popular Vietnamese import.[112]
As a result of several land reform measures, Vietnam has become a major exporter of agricultural products. It is now the world's largest producer of cashew nuts, with a one-third global share; the largest producer of black pepper, accounting for one-third of the world's market; and the second-largest rice exporter in the world, after Thailand. Vietnam is the world's second largest exporter of coffee.[113] Vietnam has the highest proportion of land use for permanent crops – 6.93% – of any nation in the Greater Mekong Subregion. Other primary exports include tearubber, and fishery products. However, agriculture's share of Vietnam's GDP has fallen in recent decades, declining from 42% in 1989 to 20% in 2006, as production in other sectors of the economy has risen.
In manufacturing, Vietnam is expected to lose some of its current comparative advantage in low wages in the near future. It will need to compensate for this loss with productivity gains, if it is to sustain high growth rates: GDP per capita almost doubled between 2008 and 2013. High-tech exports from Vietnam grew dramatically during 2008–2013, particularly with respect to office computers and electronic communications equipment – only Singapore and Malaysia exported more of the latter. Vietnam will need to adopt strategies which enhance the technical capacity and skills among local firms that are, as yet, only weakly integrated with global production chains, such as by fostering the transfer of technology and skills from large multinational firms to smaller-scale domestic firms.[109]
In 2014 Vietnam negotiated a free trade agreement with the European Union, giving the country access to the EU's Generalized System of Preferences. This provides preferential access to European markets for developing countries through reduced tariffs.[114]
Vietnam is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which formed a common market in late 2015 called the ASEAN Economic Community.[109]  I am surprised.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Carl and Karia!

Monday, August 20, 2018

August 20, 2018 Monday#RepentandPray#adjust and move#companionship#emancipation#Trade

Get Faith
Psalm 119:32  "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free."  I have run a lot of paths in my life, I have shied away from any authority or commands - I thought my heart was free. I have come to discover that the best freedom I can experience is the knowledge that my sins have been forgiven and that the Lord loves me, despite the paths I have taken.  I am sorry for the life I led that was not conducive to following Christ as I should have - but I know that my Father in heaven has watched and known my heart and waited for me to come back to the right path.  My heart is free.  Where are you in this path of life?  Do you question your place in God's eternity?  Pray, repent and pray.  God is with you always.

Get Fit
Despite the fact that I have put on weight this summer (when I usually lose weight in summer)  I feel like my strength is back.  This morning I was doing the Pilates that the girls use a long elastic ribbon (I have one) to do Pilates moves.  I do fine except, my hips don't like my body weight on them on my side and I have to adjust my position to accomplish some of the leg workouts.  They usually show or tell an alternate position if you have problems.  Do what you can!  The latest info on keeping healthy is to not sit for long periods of time - get up and move!

On this day
2002  After work Mom was here and we had dinner.  We were sitting outside and what so often happens I ended up cleaning the garage.  There were so many years when it was just so nice to be working in the yard and Mom would be enjoying the yard, the flowers and fresh air while I worked at something out there.  Nicole was at home, but very seldom as Basketball practice had started and her social life was pretty busy.  As it all should have been.  Just enjoy that companionship with someone while you have it.

1862 - Horace Greeley's "The Prayer of Twenty Millions" was published. 
New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley publishes a passionate editorial calling on President Abraham Lincoln to declare emancipation for all slaves in Union-held territory. Greeley’s blistering words voiced the impatience of many Northern abolitionists; but unbeknownst to Greeley and the public, Lincoln was already moving in the direction of emancipation.



Saigon Trade Center, one of the first skyscrapers to be built in Ho Chi Minh City after the Doi Moi reforms
Since the early 2000s, Vietnam has applied sequenced trade liberalisation, a two-track approach opening some sectors of the economy to international markets while protecting others.[107][108] In July 2006, Vietnam updated its intellectual property legislation to comply with TRIPS. Vietnam has become increasingly integrated into the world economy, particularly since its efforts to liberalize the economy enabled it to join the World Trade Organization in 2007.[109] The manufacturing and service sectors each account for 40% of GDP. However, almost half the labour force (48%) is still employed in agriculture. One million workers a year, out of a total of 51.3 million in 2010, are projected to continue leaving agriculture for the other economic sectors in the foreseeable future.[110][109] Vietnam is now one of Asia's most open economies: two-way trade was valued at around 160% of GDP in 2006, more than twice the contemporary ratio for China and over four times the ratio for India.[111] Vietnam's chief trading partners include China, Japan, Australia, the ASEAN countries, the United States and Western Europe.  Look what good can happen in 50 years.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lana and Rebekah C!!