Friday, August 17, 2018

August 17, 2018 Friday #Saved#Dozen#RetirednoRush#Clermont#Ecology

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 5:17  "Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he (or she) is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come!"   When you have been baptized and have studied the Bible, prayed and worshiped God - you will grow closer with every experience to our God.  Learning about Christ, how the Son of God came to earth and lived as a human to lead as an example of that love and then in the utmost show of love - died for your sins on the cross when He was innocent, and you believe that He was resurrected from the dead and ascended to Heaven to sit on the throne at the right hand of God, THEN you too are a new creation.  A Christian to live in His footsteps and win eternal life with His death and resurrection.  God so loved the world.

Get Fit
The Daily Dozen.  Commit them to memory and take them with you all day and everywhere.  When I read other peoples fitness programs they almost always include one of more of these exercises.  They are basic.  The Abdominal Corset, Gravity Drop,  Alternating overhead Press,  Warrior II, ButteWall Squat, Prone Isometric (Plank), Backstroke, Stems, Side lying Thoracic Rotation, Downward Dog, Triangle, Revolving Triangle.  Stretches and strengthens everything.

On this day
1999  Does it seem like you get more done the busier you are?  When I worked I would get up at 5:30 am shower, eat breakfast, straighten the house, water the plants and get to work at 8.  Now it takes me all day to do that, or at least all morning.  Being retired is nice, and I am always busy - but I can see how it happens.  "No rush, I have all day" means I put something off that would have been done three months ago when I was working - like the bathroom ceiling.  It has taken me all summer to scrape and plaster.  It isn't that big a job - I could have had it sanded and painted weeks ago.  But hey!  I'm retired no rush.

1807 - Robert Fulton's "North River Steam Boat" (known as the "Clermont") began heading up New York's Hudson River on its successful round-trip to Albany.  I wonder if they do day trips or cruises now.


Ecology and biodiversity

The saola, one of the world's rarest mammals, is native to Vietnam.
Vietnam lies in the Indomalaya ecozone. According to the 2005 National Environmental Present Condition Report.[96] Vietnam is one of twenty-five countries considered to possess a uniquely high level of biodiversity. It is ranked 16th worldwide in biological diversity, being home to approximately 16% of the world's species. 15,986 species of flora have been identified in the country, of which 10% are endemic, while Vietnam's fauna include 307 nematode species, 200 oligochaeta, 145 acarina, 113 springtails, 7,750 insects, 260 reptiles, 120 amphibians, 840 birds and 310 mammals, of which 100 birds and 78 mammals are endemic.[96]
Vietnam is furthermore home to 1,438 species of freshwater microalgae, constituting 9.6% of all microalgae species, as well as 794 aquatic invertebratesand 2,458 species of sea fish.[96] In recent years, 13 genera, 222 species, and 30 taxa of flora have been newly described in Vietnam.[96] Six new mammal species, including the saolagiant muntjac and Tonkin snub-nosed monkey have also been discovered, along with one new bird species, the endangered Edwards's pheasant.[97] In the late 1980s, a small population of Javan rhinoceros was found in Cát Tiên National Park. However, the last individual of the species in Vietnam was reportedly shot in 2010.[98]
In agricultural genetic diversity, Vietnam is one of the world's twelve original cultivar centers. The Vietnam National Cultivar Gene Bank preserves 12,300 cultivars of 115 species.[96] The Vietnamese government spent US$49.07 million on the preservation of biodiversity in 2004 alone, and has established 126 conservation areas, including 28 national parks.[96]   I can't help but think of all the blood spilled here from the war and how that has 
changed the ecology.  Beautiful country at what cost.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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