Wednesday, August 1, 2018

August 1, 2018 Wednesday #ThesameGod#change#Lost#morewar

Get Faith
Psalm 146 :6 ..."the Lord, who remains faithful forever."  Our God does not change.  Over the thousands of years that he has watched His children on this earth - through trials and illness, through the many wars and disagreements between His people, through natural and unnatural events, God does not change.  We are temporary and can only do so much in our time on this earth, we need to find a common bond and work for the best of all people, because God does not change.

On this day
1977  Of the many things on this day, work, month end billing, making dinner for Pete, another thing that was a regular part of my life - exercise.  It says I started with Slender now at Georgian Inn.  I don't remember this at all, but it reminds me that I might need a change in how I get my exercise.  Now that I think about it - a lot changes in my life,  except God.

1498 - Christopher Columbus landed on "Isla Santa" (Venezuela). did this guy ever find what he started out for?  He was all over the place. (Guy that wouldn't stop for a map or directions.)

The northern part of Vietnam was part of Imperial China for over a millennium, from 111 BC to AD 939. An independent Vietnamese state was formed in 939, following a Vietnamese victory in the Battle of Bạch Đằng River. Successive Vietnamese imperial dynasties flourished as the nation expanded geographically and politically into Southeast Asia, until the Indochina Peninsula was colonized by the French in the mid-19th century.  Always war, this must frustrate God - although he destroyed the people that fought with the Israelite's. Maybe, just maybe it is our destiny.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nan!

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