Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 23, 2018 Thursday#Follow#Abs not arms#Suicide#Air Transport

Get Faith
Proverbs 3:5-6  "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths."  The Lord wants you to know Him and trust Him.  He knows best.  I, also think because of my vast experience that I have the best answers but I have learned that isn't necessarily so.  And then there is that path thing too.  Follow Him.

Get Fit
Worked out my back and arms pretty good yesterday, cleaning out an overgrown garden so I decided to stick to abs today.  Once in a while you have to clean the growth from the path so it looks  like a path or garden again.  We can get cluttered can't we?

On this day
2006  When I got to work on this day I found out that my bosses -girlfriend's son committed suicide.
He was a successful day trader, single, lived in a beautiful place in Florida and was a very good looking young man.  We can only ask why.  I was not real close to his mother but I can tell you she was devastated by this. It was, from what I gathered not in anyway expected.  Suicides are becoming very common by teens, by vets and among the wealthy elite.  Keep your eyes, ears and heart open to your loved ones, especially if they are being treated for depression, which is rampant in our society today.  Why?  I know what I think but if you have another suggestion, what is it?

1838 - The first class graduated from Mount Holyoke Female Seminary in South Hadley, MA. It was one of the first colleges for women. Hey Kristin this is interesting!  



Much of Vietnam's modern transport network was originally developed under French rule to facilitate the transportation of raw materials, and was reconstructed and extensively modernized following the Vietnam War.


Vietnam Airlines Airbus A350

Tan Son Nhat International Airportin Ho Chi Minh City, one of the busiest airports in Vietnam
Vietnam operates 21 major civil airports, including three international gateways: Noi Bai in HanoiDa Nang International Airport in Da Nang, and Tan Son Nhat in Ho Chi Minh City. Tan Son Nhat is the nation's largest airport, handling 75% of international passenger traffic. According to a state-approved plan, Vietnam will have 10 international airports by 2015 – besides the aforementioned three, these include Vinh International AirportPhu Bai International AirportCam Ranh International AirportPhu Quoc International AirportCat Bi International AirportCần Thơ International Airport and Long Thanh International Airport. The planned Long Thanh International Airport will have an annual service capacity of 100 million passengers once it becomes fully operational in 2020.
Vietnam Airlines, the state-owned national airline, maintains a fleet of 69 passenger aircraft,[115][116] and aims to operate 150 by 2020. Several private airlines are also in operation in Vietnam, including Air MekongJetstar Pacific AirlinesVASCO and VietJet AirThis is huge considering where they were 50 years ago.  I think.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Angel!

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