Thursday, August 9, 2018

August 9, 2018 Thursday #Spirit I Adore You#Hydrate!!!#PartyatChris's#locomotive#Allloose!

Get Faith
John 14:16-17  "And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with you forever --the Spirit of truth."  Because Jesus knew we needed more help when He was leaving He had the Father give us the Spirit, the other part of our  God to stay with us.  We receive the Spirit when we are baptized and it stays with you all of your life.  Are you calling on the Spirit?  You can depend on this to be with you through all of life's ups and downs, in and outs, highs and lows.  If you know someone who isn't baptized and having a difficult time, don't forget - they have not been endowed with this extra "truth" and understanding.  Now there's your mission field.

Get Fit
I did okay with Jillian this morning better than yesterday.  Actually, better than I have in a long time.  Now I know I have mentioned this before but let me tell you about yesterday.  I had no energy and when I sat down to do this blog my eyes were too blurry to see it.  I tried Blink, the eye drops my eye doctor gave me and that didn't help at all.  I went in the kitchen and drank down two 16 oz glasses of water.  (my own advice) and my eyes became clear.  Dehydration can play havoc with your system.

On this day
1987  My husband was busy with Kirk and the race boat - Break Out so Nicole and I went to my friend Christina's house in Birmingham for a party.  It was Joe and Millie's 50th anniversary.  Chris's family were in from Toronto and this would have been my first opportunity to show off my Nicole to them. 

1831 - The first steam locomotive began its first trip between Schenectady and Albany, NY

The communists attacked South Vietnamese targets during the 1968 Tet Offensive. Although the campaign failed militarily, it shocked the American establishment, and turned US public opinion against the war.[61][62] During the offensive, communist troops massacred over 3,000 civilians at Hue.[63] Facing an increasing casualty count, rising domestic opposition to the war, and growing international condemnation, the US began withdrawing from ground combat roles in the early 1970s. This process also entailed an unsuccessful effort to strengthen and stabilize South Vietnam.[64]
Reunification parade following the Fall of Saigon, with the city being renamed to Ho Chi Minh City
Following the Paris Peace Accords of 27 January 1973, all American combat troops were withdrawn by 29 March 1973. In December 1974, North Vietnam captured the province of Phước Long and started a full-scale offensive, culminating in the Fall of Saigon on 30 April 1975.[65] South Vietnam was briefly ruled by a provisional government while under military occupation by North Vietnam. On 2 July 1976, North and South Vietnam were merged to form the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.[3] The war left Vietnam devastated, with the total death toll standing at between 966,000 and 3.8 million.[38][66][67]

This war has been a bad memory for the US, because we lost.  If you look at the death totals for ALL people I am pretty sure no one Won.  Will we learn?  Of course not - 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Jennifer

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