Monday, August 20, 2018

August 20, 2018 Monday#RepentandPray#adjust and move#companionship#emancipation#Trade

Get Faith
Psalm 119:32  "I run in the path of your commands, for you have set my heart free."  I have run a lot of paths in my life, I have shied away from any authority or commands - I thought my heart was free. I have come to discover that the best freedom I can experience is the knowledge that my sins have been forgiven and that the Lord loves me, despite the paths I have taken.  I am sorry for the life I led that was not conducive to following Christ as I should have - but I know that my Father in heaven has watched and known my heart and waited for me to come back to the right path.  My heart is free.  Where are you in this path of life?  Do you question your place in God's eternity?  Pray, repent and pray.  God is with you always.

Get Fit
Despite the fact that I have put on weight this summer (when I usually lose weight in summer)  I feel like my strength is back.  This morning I was doing the Pilates that the girls use a long elastic ribbon (I have one) to do Pilates moves.  I do fine except, my hips don't like my body weight on them on my side and I have to adjust my position to accomplish some of the leg workouts.  They usually show or tell an alternate position if you have problems.  Do what you can!  The latest info on keeping healthy is to not sit for long periods of time - get up and move!

On this day
2002  After work Mom was here and we had dinner.  We were sitting outside and what so often happens I ended up cleaning the garage.  There were so many years when it was just so nice to be working in the yard and Mom would be enjoying the yard, the flowers and fresh air while I worked at something out there.  Nicole was at home, but very seldom as Basketball practice had started and her social life was pretty busy.  As it all should have been.  Just enjoy that companionship with someone while you have it.

1862 - Horace Greeley's "The Prayer of Twenty Millions" was published. 
New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley publishes a passionate editorial calling on President Abraham Lincoln to declare emancipation for all slaves in Union-held territory. Greeley’s blistering words voiced the impatience of many Northern abolitionists; but unbeknownst to Greeley and the public, Lincoln was already moving in the direction of emancipation.



Saigon Trade Center, one of the first skyscrapers to be built in Ho Chi Minh City after the Doi Moi reforms
Since the early 2000s, Vietnam has applied sequenced trade liberalisation, a two-track approach opening some sectors of the economy to international markets while protecting others.[107][108] In July 2006, Vietnam updated its intellectual property legislation to comply with TRIPS. Vietnam has become increasingly integrated into the world economy, particularly since its efforts to liberalize the economy enabled it to join the World Trade Organization in 2007.[109] The manufacturing and service sectors each account for 40% of GDP. However, almost half the labour force (48%) is still employed in agriculture. One million workers a year, out of a total of 51.3 million in 2010, are projected to continue leaving agriculture for the other economic sectors in the foreseeable future.[110][109] Vietnam is now one of Asia's most open economies: two-way trade was valued at around 160% of GDP in 2006, more than twice the contemporary ratio for China and over four times the ratio for India.[111] Vietnam's chief trading partners include China, Japan, Australia, the ASEAN countries, the United States and Western Europe.  Look what good can happen in 50 years.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lana and Rebekah C!!

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