Friday, August 31, 2018

August 31, 2018 Friday #community#RESIST!#Five Branded Women#Wabag! here we come!

Get Faith
Psalm 33:12  "Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord."  In reading from Joshua this morning I learned how important each one of us are to the community we belong to.  Whether it is a church, a neighborhood, a team, a city or a larger unit, the entire structure can be brought down by one person.  If that one person seeks to find their own good over and above the community it is similar to a pothole - it all begins to crack.  One man in Joshua's community took articles from the temple that belonged to the Lord and God withheld his protection from the entire community until it was dealt with.  We, are no longer under the law that Joshua upheld - we, are forgiven in Christ our Lord, but the damage from one person in a community can still be felt like a ripple in a pond.  Pray for a better community - a better world.

Get Fit  
I worked out with the resistance bands this morning.  There is a great place on line that offers different sets you can do that are simple and all you need is a resistance band, available on line or most stores that sell workout equipment.  I saw one at Target recently.  Go to "resistance band workouts" and it should come up.  Try it!

On this day
1968 - My fiancee Don and I were babysitting for my brother Mark.  Mom belonged to some single groups and I think that is where she was on this night.  After all, she was only 45 and actually did meet her next husband around this time.  So Don and I watched a movie "Five Branded Women" on TV and I mentioned in my journal that I liked the movie.  Now think back... they didn't run any trash on TV back then so I'm guessing it was historical.  Maybe we can Netflix it.  It might have been in color.

1852 - The first pre-stamped envelopes were created with legislation of the U.S. Congress. We know why they don't do this anymore -  they would have to be forever stamps because the rates go up so often nowadays.

Vietnam to Wabag Papa New Guinea
Today we leave Vietnam, which I have found really interesting due to the huge effect it had on my generation.  Let's see what Papa New Guinea is about from a base in the city of Wabag.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Skip!

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