Thursday, August 2, 2018

August 2, 2018 Thursday #Saved#Workout#Fleas#Nails#Lostwar

Get Faith
James 1:12  "Blessed is the man (or woman) who perseveres under trial, because when he has stood the test, he will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him."  I am astounded that this is true - that I will receive the crown of life because I do love my God.  How empowering this is to know that we are blessed in this way - we just have to stay on the trail,  following our God and working for Him toward saving others with this good news.  Praise God!

Get Fit
I will be working out with the little children again today and then making dinner for the camp staff that worked VBS this week also, tonight.  It is a small thing that I can't consider trial or work because I enjoy it so much.  It is the type of workout that not only benefits my health but my soul.

On this day
1978  This looked like a boring day until I got to the last line  "worked - statements out - lunch with Les, Pete called, over to Mom's for dinner - home TV shower hair nails facial.......and fleas."  Now if you are a "parent" of an animal you know that you can have a perfect day but, if you get home to your loved pet and they are scratching it only means one thing.  The dog and the house have to be treated for fleas.  I don't know if they had the flea meds they have to today but I remember giving Ziggy a bath, spraying, powdering and vacuuming the house almost daily until it was under control. I have learned  (especially with cats) the an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

1791 - Samuel Briggs and his son Samuel Briggs, Jr. received a joint patent for their nail-making machine. They were the first father-son pair to receive a patent. wow I never thought about someone hand making nails - what a great thing this was!!!!

Following a Japanese occupation in the 1940s, the Vietnamese fought French rule in the First Indochina War. On 2 September 1945 President Hồ Chí Minh declared Vietnam's independence from France under the new name of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In 1954, the Vietnamese declared victory in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, which took place between March and May 1954 and culminated in a major French defeat. Thereafter, Vietnam was divided politically into two rival states, North Vietnam (officially the Democratic Republic of Vietnam) and South Vietnam(officially the Republic of Vietnam). Conflict between the two sides intensified in what is known as the Vietnam War, with heavy intervention by the United States on the side of South Vietnam from 1965 to 1973. The war ended with a North Vietnamese victory in 1975.  In case you didn't know this is how the war went down in history.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Lynn!!

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