Saturday, August 25, 2018

August 25, 2018 Saturday#With God#I'm a nuisance#Nice boss#French Quarter!#Hmong

Get Faith 
Psalm 37:5-6   "Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:  He will make your righteousness shine like the day, the justice of your cause like the noonday sun."  The closer you get to God, by reading and studying His word, the easier it is to see the path that He wants you on and that will give you the best life.  Everything you do gets easier and better when you understand His plan for you.

Get fit
Nicole took off for a long run and I worked out my arms and legs with weights today.  I have been going on a walk after dinner most days and am enjoying that again.  Where do you live?  Do you live by a park or a nature path or in the city like me?  I love to walk around my neighborhood and just see what different landscaping people have done and I especially like getting all the dogs in the neighborhood barking.  Yep.

On this day
2009  I complain about my boss but there were times when he was a gem.  On this day I had bought a new dryer but they wouldn't hook it up because of the gas line.  It had to be brought up to code. (I didn't know it wasn't).  The boss sent his nephew Mark over to fix it for me.  It was a terrible job he had to contend with  but Mark was a terrific guy and when he left my dryer was working.  I should remember all the good times as well.  Oh and Nicole started back to Moosejaw on this day, I imagine she worked at camp in the summer and Moosejaw kept her job open.

1718 - Hundreds of colonists from France arrived in Louisiana. Some settled in present-day New Orleans. Vive la New Orleans!! and the French Quarter!



According to the 2009 census, the dominant Viet or Kinh ethnic group constituted nearly 73.6 million people, or 85.8% of the population. The Kinh population is concentrated mainly in the alluvial deltas and coastal plains of the country. A largely homogeneous social and ethnic group, the Kinh possess significant political and economic influence over the country. However, Vietnam is also home to 54 ethnic minority groups, including the HmongDaoTayThai, and Nùng. Many ethnic minorities – such as the Muong, who are closely related to the Kinh – dwell in the highlands, which cover two-thirds of Vietnam's territory. Before the Vietnam War, the population of the Central Highlands was almost exclusively Degar (including over 40 tribal groups); however, Ngô Đình Diệm's South Vietnamese government enacted a program of resettling Kinh in indigenous areas.[128] The Hoa (ethnic Chinese)[129] and Khmer Krompeople are mainly lowlanders. As Sino-Vietnamese relations soured in 1978 and 1979, some 450,000 Hoa left Vietnam.[130]

Hmong women in traditional dress in Sa Pa, northern Vietnam

Enjoy the day!! Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Andrea and Jamie!

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