Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 30, 2018 Thursday #Foundation#Plank#Entertainment#Pho

Get Faith
Luke 6 46-49  The Wise and Foolish Builders.  I coincidentally read two pieces from the Bible this morning.  In reading through Joshua I came to this story in the old testament about Joshua and the city of Jericho.  The  story that tells of trusting God to accomplish what he promises.  The Israelite s followed the directions to march around the city for 6 days and on the 7th day after marching around 7 times they shouted and the walls came tumbling down.  The story in Luke tells of building on a solid foundation (of faith) so that your faith does not come tumbling down.   The stories are both relevant in learning and following God's word.  I'm listening God.

Get Fit
Although I am fighting a low blood count and the exhaustion that comes with it - I push myself to continue strengthening myself.  When they find out what is causing it I will be able to fight back.  Don't lose heart if you have set backs with life or health issues.  If you keep moving and keep up your strength you can deal with what ever comes.  I did the Daily Dozen today and actually did 2 one minute planks and 30 seconds of a third.  That might be my best time yet - shooting for 3 -1 minute planks.

On this day
2017  - Last year my friend Linda was here from Texas.  She had a class reunion, met up with an old friend and his brother and I had been showing them around town - a memory tour.  The friends left and on this day Linda and I went downtown, walked Hart Plaza and the Riverwalk, we took the Q line which had just opened last year, we ate at the Shake Shack (I found out they had beer) stopped in at Hardrock Cafe and then drove home down Woodward, through Ferndale and Royal Oak, so she could see the great changes made since she moved away 30 years ago.  That evening we met with Pam, Norma and Waynette at Gilberts for dinner and watched the Harper Cruise for a few hours after that.  So If you are looking for an entertainment guide - call me, I'm cheap, I work for beer.

1645 - American Indians and the Dutch made a peace treaty at New Amsterdam. New Amsterdam later became known as New York



Pho, one of the most popular Vietnamese dishes
Vietnamese cuisine traditionally features a combination of five fundamental taste "elements" (Vietnamesengũ vị): spicy (metal), sour (wood), bitter (fire), salty (water) and sweet (earth).[188] Common ingredients include fish sauceshrimp pastesoy sauce, rice, fresh herbs, fruits and vegetables. Vietnamese recipes use lemongrassgingermintVietnamese mintlong corianderSaigon cinnamonbird's eye chililime and basil leaves.[189]Traditional Vietnamese cooking is known for its fresh ingredients, minimal use of oil, and reliance on herbs and vegetables, and is considered one of the healthiest cuisines worldwide.[190]
In northern Vietnam, local foods are often less spicy than southern dishes, as the colder northern climate limits the production and availability of spices. Black pepper is used in place of chilis to produce spicy flavors. The use of such meats as pork, beef, and chicken was relatively limited in the past, and as a result freshwater fish, crustaceans – particularly crabs – and mollusks became widely used. Fish sauce, soy sauce, prawn sauce, and limes are among the main flavoring ingredients. Many signature Vietnamese dishes, such as bún riêu and bánh cuốn, originated in the north and were carried to central and southern Vietnam by migrants.[191]    Maybe I will find a recipe for some of this, looks good.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  

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