Friday, August 24, 2018

August 24, 2018 Friday #See Jesus#Adjust#Caring#Train service

Get Faith
John 12 20-21  "Now there were some Greeks among those who went up to worship at the Feast.  They came to Philip, who was from Bethsaida in Galilee, with a request. "Sir" they said, "we would like to see Jesus."  There had been so many reports of His healing and raising people from the dead that people would come from everywhere to see Him. His teaching was unparalleled.  We would all love to see Jesus today.  There is a song "Open the eyes of my heart Lord, I want to see you."  We are taught to be that person that others can see Jesus in.  The Spirit gives us that ability to feel His love and guidance for us everyday.  Let others see Jesus in you.

Get Fit
I worked out with Jillian today.  I have to adjust so I can accomplish more.  Some I cannot do at all so I compromise.  If you are younger you push yourself to keep up but at 71 I am happy to do one set or adjust to something I can accomplish.  You do you. But, do something!

On this day
2008  I was out at Fitzpatrick"s taking care of him for the weekend.  He would think of anything to go somewhere, especially on Sundays when he knew I would be leaving later in the afternoon.  He wanted to go to the dollar store to get razor blades.  After a lifetime of being independent and capable of doing whatever whim hit him, now a simple thing (because he was blind) was a big deal.  He didn't sleep at night, he would take Chico, his dog out every hour and I think spent a lot of time on what he needed  before I left for the week.  On this day his son Randy came over and said I could leave, that he would take care of him.  I came home and Mom, Nicole and I went to Bob Evans for dinner.  Mom liked to get out too.

0079 - Mount Vesuvius erupted killing approximately 20,000 people. The cities of Pompeii, Stabiae and Herculaneum were buried in volcanic ash. They must have thought it was the end of the world and it was for them.



A rail crossing near Mỹ Sơn
Vietnam's primary cross-country rail service is the Reunification Express, which runs from Ho Chi Minh City to Hanoi, covering a distance of nearly 2,000 kilometres. From Hanoi, railway lines branch out to the northeast, north and west; the eastbound line runs from Hanoi to Hạ Long Bay, the northbound line from Hanoi to Thái Nguyên, and the northeast line from Hanoi to Lào Cai.
In 2009, Vietnam and Japan signed a deal to build a high-speed railway using Japanese technology; numerous Vietnamese engineers were later sent to Japan to receive training in the operation and maintenance of high-speed trains. The railway will be a 1,630-km-long[118] express route, serving a total of 26 stations, including Hanoi and the Thu Thiem terminus in Ho Chi Minh City.[119] Using Japan's Shinkansen technology,[120] the line will support trains travelling at a maximum speed of 360 kilometres (220 mi) per hour. The high-speed lines linking Hanoi to VinhNha Trang and Ho Chi Minh City will be laid by 2015. From 2015 to 2020, construction will begin on the routes between Vinh and Nha Trang and between Hanoi and the northern provinces of Lào Cai and Lạng Sơn I don't imagine it was like this back during the war.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Mark and Kati!

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