Saturday, August 4, 2018

August 4, 2018 Saturday#GoodNews!#Yoga#Keepingup#Viet Nam

Get Faith
Psalm 107:8-9  "Oh...give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!  For He satisfies the longing soul, and fills the hungry soul with goodness."  The news of the day can be horrible.  The kids at VBS were treated to a short video everyday and one was titled the  Ten O clock news.  A small person was falling asleep in church and their friend asked if they stayed up too late.  The answer was they couldn't get to sleep after watching the 10:00 news.  I have the same problem occasionally and have learned to not watch it.  I catch the AM news which very often can ruin your day.  There is good news.  The Bible tells us of God's love and mercy and gives us a better sense of understanding the sin in this world and how only Jesus can help us with that.  Your choice

Get Fit
The last thing I did and the first thing I went back to today was AM yoga.  That says it all.

On this day
1981  My friend Chuck from Florida that I met boat racing had sent me a ticket to meet them in Chicago.  They were a fast group that had all the toys and a lot of money to party with.  I went to Winkleman's and bought some new clothes to fit in.  Wish I had some of the money I spent trying to keep up with them - but no regrets, there are some great memories.

1753 - George Washington became a Master Mason. Now there is some news. Look at the signs of this on our early government.

The name Việt Nam (Vietnamese pronunciation: [viə̀t naːm]) is a variation of Nam Việt (Chinese南越pinyinNányuè; literally "Southern Việt"), a name that can be traced back to the Triệu Dynastyof the 2nd century BC.[14] The word Việt originated as a shortened form of Bách Việt (Chinese百越pinyinBǎiyuè), a group of people then living in southern China and Vietnam.[15] The form "Vietnam" (越南) is first recorded in the 16th-century oracular poem Sấm Trạng Trình. The name has also been found on 12 steles carved in the 16th and 17th centuries, including one at Bao Lam Pagoda in Haiphong that dates to 1558.[16]
In 1802, Nguyễn Phúc Ánh established the Nguyễn dynasty, and in the second year, he asked the Qing Emperor Jiaqing to confer him the title 'King of Nam Viet/Nanyue' (南越 in Chinese), but the Grand Secretariat of Qing dynasty pointed out that the name Nam Viet/Nanyue includes regions of Guangxi and Guangdong in China.
Between 1804 and 1813, the name was used officially by Emperor Gia Long.[e] It was revived in the early 20th century by Phan Bội Châu's History of the Loss of Vietnam, and later by the Vietnamese Nationalist Party.[17] The country was usually called Annam until 1945, when both the imperial government in Huế and the Viet Minh government in Hanoi adopted Việt Nam.[18]  sorry a little boring.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable  Happy Birthday Bob and Pam!

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