Wednesday, August 8, 2018

August 7, 2018 Tuesday#Godcalls#BESTRONG#1rstrace#AgentOrange

Get Faith
Isaiah 43:1  "But now the Lord who created you, O Israel, says, "Don't be afraid, for I have ransomed you.  I have called you by name; you are mine.""  The first thing you do when you get a new pet is give them a name, unless it has belonged to someone else, then you are kind of stuck with "George" or whatever name someone has previously given them.  God has also given us names, I personally like Christian myself, that I have labeled myself.  When God calls you - listen and answer.

Get Fit
I worked out the arms and abs today.  I remembered that a little girl I had for VBS, Clare noticed I had muscles when we were shouting "BE BOLD - BE STRONG!"  a song that included motions to that effect.  She is 5 and strong enough for what she needs to be - as you get older you need to either play on the monkey bars, etc or go to the gym to keep up.

On this day
1985  It was Nicole and Aaron's first boat race.  Nicole was about 10 weeks old, Aaron was 7 and I took my neighbor girl, Carol who was 14.  It was a different type of boat race for me - I had usually spent my time in the hot pits or the bar.  On this day I was at the beautiful pool in Grand Haven Marina with the kids.  I felt that if we were going to continue racing the kids would be there as well, I would not leave them home.  Nicole was already accustomed to the loud sounds of offshore boat engines starting up.  Mark was working the race, I don't think he had started racing with Break Out yet.  The kids loved the noise and excitement.  Well maybe not just yet for Nicole but she learned.

1789 - The U.S. War Department was established by the U.S. Congress.   Of course.

US helicopter spraying chemical defoliants (probably Agent Orange) over the Mekong Delta, 1969
The pro-Hanoi Viet Cong began a guerrilla campaign in the late 1950s to overthrow Diệm's government.[46]Between 1953 and 1956, the North Vietnamese government instituted various agrarian reforms, including "rent reduction" and "land reform", which resulted in significant political oppression. During the land reform, testimony from North Vietnamese witnesses suggested a ratio of one execution for every 160 village residents, which extrapolated nationwide would indicate nearly 100,000 executions. Because the campaign was concentrated mainly in the Red River Delta area, a lower estimate of 50,000 executions became widely accepted by scholars at the time.[47][48][49][50] However, declassified documents from the Vietnamese and Hungarian archives indicate that the number of executions was much lower than reported at the time, although likely greater than 13,500.[51] In the South, Diệm countered North Vietnamese subversion (including the assassination of over 450 South Vietnamese officials in 1956) by detaining tens of thousands of suspected communists in "political reeducation centers". This was a ruthless program that incarcerated many non-communists, although it was also successful at curtailing communist activity in the country, if only for a time. The North Vietnamese government claimed that 2,148 individuals were killed in the process by November 1957.[52] In 1960 and 1962, the Soviet Union and North Vietnam signed treaties providing for further Soviet military support.  AGent Orange - what didn't kill you outright in Vietnam, is still killing millions if we include those people that actually live in Vietnam.  Our Vets have suffered all the effects from this and so will there offspring apparently.  Need to know eduction is the only way to stop this insanity in our world.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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