Sunday, August 12, 2018

August 12, 2018 Sunday#Believe#Rest!#Contacts#DeimosandPhotos#Government

Get Faith
John 20:29  " Then Jesus told him, "You believe because you have seen me.  but blessed are those who haven't seen me and believe anyways.""  It is hard for me to understand the disciples not believing in Jesus when they had spent so much time with him.  I try to relate to the times that they lived, but just like the Israelite's losing faith after all that God did for them, was it just too good to be true?  It is true, and you need to hear the stories, be baptized and believe in the Lord - His Spirit resides with us still.

Get Fit
Rest is a big part of being healthy as well as exercise.  Ordered by God for one whole day of the week.  When originated it meant not meal preparation or any of the normal activities of the day.  Now making a meal is so much easier, enjoyable rather that tiring - but if it makes you feel exhausted or creates a situation that puts the work on someone else, that isn't right either.  It should be a day of rest for all.  Not in this world today.  Put your feet up today.

On this day
1993  It had been a busy summer.  Aaron had spent most of it here with us, he was working at Grandpa's boat store on Jefferson.  I had been working part time at St Paul's church and participating in almost everything there - it was my rock for what was going on in my life.  I had a lot of visitors on this day, Ma, Laurie and Zack came by, Alice stopped over and I spent a lot of time with Roxanne my next door neighbor.  Kathy had picked up Aaron, he was 15 and took him to pick up his contact lenses - the first ones.  When they came back, Kathy and Rachelle came in and stayed awhile.  We have and still have a great relationship.

1877 Mars' moon Deimos is discovered by American astronomer Asaph Hall

The discovery took place at the United States Naval Observatory in Washington, D.C. Deimos is one of two natural satellites of Mars. The other moon, Phobos was also discovered by Hall and is the bigger satellite of the two. Phobos is also closer to Mars than Deimos is.  Remember this for Jeopardy  Deimos and Phobos - Mars' moons
The Communist Party's propaganda poster commemorating the 80th founding and equating the party with "peace, prosperity and happiness"


The National Assembly of Vietnam is the unicameral legislature of the state, composed of 498 members.[84] The legislature is open to all parties.[84]Headed by a Chairman, it is superior to both the executive and judicial branches, with all government ministers being appointed from members of the National Assembly.


The President of Vietnam is the elected head of state and the commander-in-chief of the military, serving as the Chairman of the Council of Supreme Defense and Security, holds the second highest office in Vietnam. The Prime Minister of Vietnam is the head of government, presiding over a council of ministers composed of five deputy prime ministers and the heads of 26 ministries and commissions.


The Supreme People's Court of Vietnam, headed by a Chief Justice, is the country's highest court of appeal, though it is also answerable to the National Assembly. Beneath the Supreme People's Court stand the provincial municipal courts and numerous local courtsMilitary courts possess special jurisdiction in matters of national security. Vietnam maintains the death penalty for numerous offences; as of February 2014, there are around 700 inmates on death row in Vietnam.[85]    In case you wondered.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Glenn and Brian!!

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