Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018 Friday#Sing to the Lord#Get strong#Visit#Creole#Zurich!

Get Faith
Psalm 43:4  "Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.  I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God."  The season of caroling and joyful Christmas music is all around us.  If you do go to church you sing all the songs of advent and the coming Christmas carols.  So many beautiful songs have been written to celebrate our God, the inventor or our lives and the joy of our hearts.  When you get in your car the Christmas music has taken over your favorite channels and you find yourself singing along to all the songs of your past, your childhood and current favorite artists.  God loves to hear the music I think, the psalms are written to Him by all those who have gone before us a long time ago.  Music is eternal - like God.

Get Fit
If you are hoping for some big heavy presents this year or carrying around your shopping through the mall - you need to stay strong!!  If you have any surgery the therapist comes in to help you strengthen your muscles and get your strength back.  I'm not making this up!  It's true.  Ask for some weights for Christmas!

On this day
1997  After church Nicole and I went and spent the afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa at their house.  I'm so glad we made time for them because here 20 plus years later, Grandma is in Florida and Grandpa is gone.  When we left their house we went and spent some time at Ty and Norma's house as they were on vacation in Mexico.  Their kitties were happy to see us and Nicole loved to play with them.  I like to spend Sundays visiting or having company, it is an old habit from my childhood that seems worthwhile keeping in my life.  We usually went to see my cousins, both sides of the family, and spend the afternoon.  It was my Dad's idea. Do you make time to visit?

1803 - Spain completed the process of ceding Louisiana to France. What a great influence on their culture down there!

From York Harbor Newfoundland to Zurich Switzerland!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kristen and Sarah!!!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

November 29, 2018 Thursday #Eternal#holiday diets#good friends#Fish n brewis!

Get Faith
Psalm 106:1  "Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good, his love endures forever."  I was thinking about the word eternal when I read this.  Thinking of anything that has no beginning and no end.  What do you think of?  Nothing of substance, tangible, not anything you can see or ever think of really.  Now think of God's love.  It was there in the beginning and will be - well forever, there is no end to His love.  Genesis 1:1 says "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."  God was already.  Our human minds cannot comprehend, but just know the Bible is endless in how many times it tells of God's love for you - eternal.

Get Fit

Factors that cause obesity

  •    We have become more dependable on machines and very less active otherwise. We are leading a hectic and stressful lifestyle.
  •    People have lost control over their eating behavior. The food we love so much (the junk) are just a few refined ingredients mixed with highly engineered chemicals that taste so good that we cannot avoid its temptations.
  •    Next is excess fructose (added sugar) consumption that causes insulin resistance and elevated insulin levels.
  •    Other factors include unhealthy life choices like not consuming enough fruit, vegetables and unrefined carbohydrates, drinking too much alcohol, eating larger portions than required, lack of exercise and physical activity, less sleep, depression, consumption of drugs such as contraceptives, steroid hormones, diabetes, antidepressants and blood pressure pills.
  •   Found this today - it says it all really - Go to Fit O clock on You tube Fitness to see more
On this day
1996  It was a Friday and after work I had a beer with the guys.  When I got home Mom, Nicole and Laura were waiting  and we went to Big Boys for dinner then took the girls to the show to see "First Kid"  I think it was about a presidents daughter and her bodyguard who saved her from the bad guys.  It was a lighthearted family movie where there is little of no bloodshed and lots of laughs.  Laura had a sleep over with us, the girls were 11 and spent a lot of time together.  Good friends still.  I am still proud of Nicole and the people she chooses as friends.  Are you keeping an eye on who your kids friends are?  Check it out, it will give you insight as to the people your child chooses to identify with, reflecting who they are.

1996 - A U.N. court sentenced Bosnian Serb army soldier Drazen Erdemovic to 10 years in prison for his role in the massacre of 1,200 Muslims. The sentence was the first international war crimes sentence since World War II. Only 10 years?  Really?

Newfoundland  Last day here tomorrow ?
Fish ‘n’ brewis
Take some salt cod, take some hard bread (also known as hard tack), soak them both in water, boil them separately, add in some crispy bits of pork fat (better known as scrunchions) and you have a dish that was born on fishing boats that had little access to fresh anything. If you don’t want to bake your own hard tack, Newfoundland’s own Purity Factories sells it ready-made (along with other popular products, like Jam Jams, Cream Crisps, and flavoured syrups).  Here is a taste of Newfoundland for you to remember our visit!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Bill!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

November 28, 2018 Wednesday #dedicated#dance for joy#car/speakers#Brassicales

Get Faith
1 Samuel 2:1  "My heart rejoices in the Lord; my horn is exalted in the Lord.  I smile at my enemies, because I rejoice in Your salvation."  This is from Hannah's prayer.  She prayed her entire life for a child and finally, almost too late, the Lord gave her a baby and she named him Samuel.  When the child was two she took him to the temple and gave him to the priest and dedicated her little boy to God.  I can't imagine and I am sure you can't either.  I did promise to raise Nicole in church at her baptism, did you do the same with your children?  It is a pretty solemn vow when you think about it.  I thank God for my daughter everyday, she makes me look good in God's sight. 

Get Fit
King David danced to the Lord in joy in his underwear, literally, in the street.  I dance - in my living room with Richard to the oldies.  Not in my underwear.  It does make me happy, I have always loved to dance.  Not sure this is relate-able, but hey!  get dancing for a lot of reasons!

On this day
1993  Aaron was 15, soon to be 16 and he came over for the weekend.  We had gone to the show with Nicole and Joe from across the street to see Jurassic Park on Saturday.  This was Sunday and after church it says Aaron - car to Mickey Shore.  I'm not sure what car that was but we went to Uncle Andy and Aunt Alice's  for dinner and Uncle Andy helped Aaron with some speakers.  This must have been a car he was getting, maybe from Grandpa? for Christmas and his birthday in January?  I remember the noise, the base from his car.  But I drove him home, he wasn't driving yet.  Help?

1993 - The play "Mixed Emotions" closed after 48 performances. That was an appropriate play for this year.

Many rare herbaceous plants and insects occur on the island.[20] The west coast of the island supports over 200 plant species. Rare species such as Long’s braya (Braya longii) and Fernald’s braya (B. fernaldii), are endemic to Newfoundland.[22] Brayas are small perennial herbs of the brassicaceae family. They are only found on a narrow strip of land extending approximately 150 kilometres (93 mi) on the extreme western portion of the Great Northern Peninsula, a limestones barrens habitat. The braya population is low due to habitat loss from gravel quarrying. Researchers have only found three populations of Long's braya,[23] and 14 or 15 populations of Fernald's brayas.[24] Researchers have focused on how various types of disturbances affect the long-term viability of these populations. The Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, with many partners, is studying the rare plant flora of the island of Newfoundland and in 2002 announced a recovery plan for the braya species.[25]
Barbarea vulgaris 002.JPG
Winter cress, Barbarea vulgaris
Scientific classificationedit
  Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Liz!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 27, 2018 Tuesday#Advent#Be well#The good child#Statistics#low life.

Get Faith
Psalm 27:14  "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, wait, I say, on the Lord!"  Are you as impatient as I am?  When we say a prayer we are looking for that instant gratification as with so many things we want these days?  We are leading into advent - a time for waiting as Mary waited the birth of the child she was caring.  If you have born a child or lived the experience with someone, you know, how long that last month is.  And, so, we wait the birth of our Savior and King on Christmas day.  The advised method of waiting is in prayer and thought, preparing ourselves for the day we rejoice.  So, as we decorate and purchase gifts, bake cookies and send cards we should recall Mary and her vigil, as she lumbered through that last month, hoping her child would be born well and safe. Try the advent vigil with Mary - spend a prayerful moment at a point in your day - praying for the peace and love that one small baby brought into the world.

Get Fit
I let Jillian beat me up today.  As I sit here I can still (after all the years I have worked out) feel the burn in my arms and shoulders.  Ask Santa for some help in your fitness routine - whatever works best for you, equipment, video's or a membership.  It will be the gift that keeps on giving! (and aching).

On this day
1990  Nicole was 5 and I had signed on to start a troupe of Daisy's (early girl scouts) with another Mom.  On this day my neighbor Linda dropped off Nicole's Daisy smock.  I can tell you that even at this early stage Nicole had a clear idea of who she was and what she liked, and it wasn't Daisy's.  After a few meetings of making daisy chains and girl's hobbies - she refused to go.  "Why can't we go camping or learn archery?"  Obviously a life defining moment and I duly noted it.  They would not let her join cub scouts with all her best friends.  We all have opinions on this topic but I can tell you I was more interested in developing a well balanced, happy child then forcing issues on her that would leave her in therapy later.  I made the right choice.  I thank God for her faith and fortitude!

1839 - The American Statistical Association was founded in Boston. Now this is boring no matte how you look at it.



The biosphere is subdivided into distinct geographical regions called biomes.[20] Newfoundland and Labrador are divided into two biomes: tundra and taiga. Northern Labrador is part of the tundra, while southern Labrador is part of the taiga. Newfoundland is not typical of either biome, as it lacks much of the plant and animal life that are characteristic to these biomes. During the last ice age the island of Newfoundland was completely covered by glaciers and swept clean of life.[20] Only those species which were able to recolonize the island after the glaciers retreated about 18,000 years ago are considered "native". Similarly, only freshwater-fish capable of surviving seawater swam to the island. Labrador has 42 native mammals, Newfoundland is home only to 14, with no snakes, raccoons, skunks or porcupines.[4] large herds of Woodland caribou can be found in the barren interior regions of the island. Two animals formerly resident in Newfoundland have been declared extinct: the Great auk, a flightless seabird, and the Newfoundland wolf, a subspecies of the Gray wolf. The Labrador duck, believed to have nested in Labrador, was one of the first North American bird species to be recorded as becoming extinct.[21]   Life and the earth changes everyday, we can not do anything about much of it.  
Think  California.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 Monday#Praise God#I got legs#more Turkey!#plate tectonics!

Get Faith
Psalm 50:23  "But true praise is a worthy sacrifice; this really honors me.  Those who walk my paths will receive salvation from the Lord."  God is not interested in your wealth.  Yes, He does want you to support your church, as this supports His presence in your community and gives a place to His people to be in community with each other and learn his paths.  Your attention to Him in prayer and praise is what this verse tells us he wants.  Spend some time with God today - in thanks and praise.

Get Fit
Worked out the legs, hips and buttocks this morning.  I like to know that I will be able to take the stairs, walk and keep moving for the maximum amount of time.  I hope you are keeping up your strength as well or I will be pushing you in a wheelchair, and, that is ok, I will.

On this day
1989  This was the Sunday after Thanksgiving and because I had gone to my mother in laws for dinner - I baked a turkey to have left overs at home.  Mom came over for dinner too.  How many of you cook a turkey if you went elsewhere for Thanksgiving?  I know quite a few who do.

1789 - U.S. President Washington set aside this day to observe the adoption of the Constitution of the United StatesSo there is your task for the day!
What Does the “General Welfare” Clause Mean? | blogsense-by-barb

One of the most noteworthy aspects of Newfoundland geology is a result of the constant movement of tectonic plates. Approximately 500 million years ago the action of these plates forced parts of the oceanic crust beneath the Iapetus Ocean up and over the eastern margin of the North American plate.[15][16] Sections of oceanic crust which overlie continental crust are known as ophiolitesGros Morne National Park was designated a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site because it is one of the best places in the world to see the effects of plate tectonics[3] and one of the few places where rocks formed at the Mohorovicic Discontinuity between the crust and the upper mantle of the Earth can be seen.[15][17]
Another notable geology site is at Mistaken Point, where rocks containing probably the oldest metazoan fossils in North America and the most ancient deep-water marine fossils in the world are found preserved in layers of volcanic ash.[18]
Labrador is the easternmost part of the Canadian Shield and is composed of ancient Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks. The interior averages about 450 metres (1,480 ft) above sea level and is cut by large, east-flowing rivers, such as the Churchill River and its tributaries.[11] The northern coast is largely mountainous. The Torngat MountainsKaumajet Mountains and Kiglapait Mountains dominate this area with the highest peak being Mount Caubvick at 1,652 metres (5,420 ft). Torngat Mountains National Park Reserve was created in 2005 to preserve part of this area.[19]  I imagine this is pretty exciting to Geologists to see.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Jessica

Sunday, November 25, 2018

November 25, 2018 Sunday#Who is your king?#Spoiling children#Brits out#Appalachian system.

Get Faith
Christ the King Sunday  From John 18:36 "Jesus answered, "My kingdom is not from this world.. If my kingdom were from this world, my followers would be fighting to keep me from being handed over to the Jews.  But as it is, my kingdom is not from here."  Think about your mayor, then your congressman, than your governor, now your President and all the leaders and kings of this earth.  It is minuscule compared to Christ's kingdom.  Our God rules the universe - all that is and there is no, not any term limit.  You want to back the right leader?  Pick God -  Father Son and Holy Spirit.

On this day
1988  Nicole was three and I used to occasionally sit the boys next door David and Josh.  They were over on this day and a favorite thing was to let the kids ham it up for the video camera.  I believe this was the day David and Nicole were rock stars doing some David Lee Roth while Josh made toast in the Tyke kitchen.   Joe came over later, after school, he was a little older but spent a lot of time here playing as well.  Mark got home from work and we took the kids to Toys R Us and LOOKED, then stopped at McDonald's for shakes.  How do you spoil your kids?  After dinner I was writing Christmas cards - it used to be over a hundred but I have cut back, if I see you, you probably aren't getting a card.

1783 - During the Revolutionary War, the British evacuated New York. New York was their last military position in the U.S.    I'm pretty sure they are back I hear that accent all the time on TV.



A large part of the island of Newfoundland is an extension of the Appalachian system.[1] Major bays, peninsulas, river systems and mountain ranges are typically oriented southwest to northeast, parallel to the Appalachians.[11]
The eastern part of the island, (the Avalon Peninsula and Burin Peninsula), is mostly folded sedimentary rocks with some intrusions of igneous rock and was part of southwestern Europe or Northern Africa about 250 million years ago.[1] The oldest rocks are Precambrian. Small remnants of Cambrian and Ordovician rocks occur along the coast. Bell Island in Conception Bay is a good example of gently sloping Ordovician sedimentary rock.[11] The plateau in the Avalon Peninsula averages 250 metres (820 ft) above sea level.[8]
The rest of the island is composed of a great variety of Paleozoic rocks of sedimentary, igneous and metamorphic origin. Along the west coast lie the Long Range Mountains, which are formed by an elongated block of the Earth's crust (a horst) which rises to about 600 metres (2,000 ft) above sea level.[8] This part of the island was once part of the eastern margin of continental North America.[1] The island's highest points, the Lewis Hills and Gros Morne are located within this mountain range. To the east is a depression or graben about 30 kilometres (19 mi) wide, which is occupied by Deer Lake and Grand Lake. The main plateau of the central part of the island, which was once the sea bottom of the ancient Iapetus Ocean,[1] has been heavily eroded by water and ice. Steep, solitary rock knobs, called "tolts" in Newfoundland (elsewhere known as inselbergs or monadnocks), which jut 100 metres (330 ft) or more above the generally flat terrain are the remnants of a former higher landscape level.[12] Glaciers which helped shape these tolts left other evidence around Newfoundland. Large blocks of stone called glacial erratics have been left scattered across much of the landscape.[13] The long narrow lakes of the west coast, notably those in Gros Morne National Park resulted from glacial erosion. The lack of good soil on most parts of the island is a result of the scouring effect of glaciers during the most recent ice age.[14] Newfoundland's nickname, "The Rock", is partially a result of the ice ages.
Interesting if you are a fan of geology, or getting on Jeopardy

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Angelina!!

Saturday, November 24, 2018

November 24, 2018 Saturday #Knowledgeispower#Dozen#Marty#nuclear weapons#God's earth

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:11  "I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths."  It gets back to what we talk about - read your Bible.  It is the place to find the wisdom shared by God to His people and related to you here in Proverbs, and everywhere in the book.  When you know the right way to go you can follow the right path to lead you to the peace and joy and comfort that we as Christians have.  So get smart and find out what you are missing for the Truth.

Get Fit
Try the Daily Dozen - you won't be disappointed in the over all stretch and strengthening it gives you.   Twelve different moves and stretches to make you feel stronger, better balanced and straighter posture.  It only takes a half hour a day to start your morning, it is so worth it.

On this day
1987  Mark's friend Marty had a fire in his apartment building and asked if he could temporarily move in with us till he found a place.  On this day he started moving in his stuff.  The majority of his stuff were sports cards - piles of them, but that is another story.  He ended up staying 7 years - longer than Mark did.  He was quite a character and we loved him and he loved us - mostly Nicole who he tutored in playing sports and everything about them.  He played basketball in the driveway with them every chance they got.  I credit him with the devotion to and knowledge of sports that she loves.  He was a big help to me, as Mark worked 7 days a week.  Marty was always home in time for dinner and a constant in the kids life.  We lost him too soon - he is remembered by many.

1987 - The U.S. and the Soviet Union agreed to scrap short- and medium-range missiles. It was the first superpower treaty to eliminate an entire class of nuclear weapons. It was a great effort but still an issue today.


Fauna and flora[edit]

Friday, November 23, 2018

November 23, 2018 Friday#Learn about God#Balance#Comfort#Climate and Geology!

Get Faith
John 16:13  "He will guide you into all the truth."  Is there a God?  Is He there for you?  Can you actually depend on Him for anything?  Is there really a heaven and hell?  Do I have a chance of being forgiven here and in the next life?  What do I have to do?  Is it more than I want to do  and will I have to change my lifestyle?  The Bible is the best place to find the answers to all these questions, they are repeated over and over in the Bible.  God's love for His creation is told in every book, Old and New Testaments.  You can read it alone but I suggest you involve yourself in a Bible Study of your choice where an educated theologian can walk you through some of the mystery of our religion.  The Bible has been re translated many times and there are many different Bibles - all the same message, some are easier to understand and of course some are educational Bibles, with learning help. Get a good one for you, join a group and attend the church of your choice.  Education is essential, but faith will answer the questions best.

Get Fit
I did not overeat yesterday, my scale told me, but I brought home left overs sooooo.  I started with Pilates this morning.  Balance people!

On this day
1986  It was a Sunday and Nicole and I were ailing with colds, sore throats etc.  We missed church but Mom and my brother Mark did not and came over after church.  Andy and Alice and the girls came over after while and we had our normal family day.  I mention this mainly because it gives me comfort to know that my little brother went to church on his last Sunday on this earth.  That's why it is good to have that relationship with God, Mark knew his Savior Jesus Christ and that means everything.

1986 - In Manila, President Aquino dismissed Defense Minister Enrile. There must be more story to this it seems inconsequential doesn't it?  To be listed in the history calendar.

Newfoundland is roughly triangular, with each side being approximately 500 kilometres (310 mi), and having an area of 108,860 square kilometres (42,030 sq mi). Newfoundland and its associated small islands have a total area of 111,390 square kilometres (43,010 sq mi). Newfoundland extends between latitudes 46°36'N and 51°38'N.


Newfoundland is primarily characterized by having a subarctic (Köppen Dfc) or a humid continental climate (Köppen Dfb). Locations on the extreme southeast of the island receive sufficient maritime influence to qualify as having a subpolar oceanic climate (Köppen Cfc).


The Terreneuvian Epoch that begins the Cambrian Period of geological time is named for Terre Neuve(the French term for Newfoundland).[

Unusual shaped island, what do you see?  I call it a smear.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Donn and Emily!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

November 22, 2018 Thursday #Circle of Thanksgiving #Have a very blessed Thanksgiving!

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 9:15  "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"  As we all gather with family or with neighbors and friends.  Maybe some are alone, missing Thanksgivings past.  We can all be thankful for the all the good things God has given us.  If you are reading this you have a roof over you head, are clothed and fed, I hope.  Some people fall through the cracks in life for whatever reasons.  Our God gives us a safety net - at the end of this life however we are welcomed home to be with the family of God at a feast of your liking in our heavenly home.  Come and join us that are saved by grace and forgiven through our Savior Jesus Christ.  Peace and love on this Thanksgiving day!

On this day
1985  It wasn't the 22, it was the 28th but it was Nicole's first Thanksgiving, she would have been 6 months old and  slept through dinner.  I had 13 for dinner, which is a lot of people for my dining room but it was a wonderful, great dinner with the entire McCarthy clan.  When Nicole woke up at the end of dinner, Harvey, Pams brother was the closest to the bedroom where she was in her crib.  We told him to go get her and he came out like he was holding a sack of china potatoes.  I won't forget it.  Hope you have great memories of years gone by!!

1985 - 38,648 immigrants became citizens of the United States. It was the largest swearing-in ceremony. Now that would have been a great Thanksgiving for them!!  Love the USA!

  • Gros Morne National Park is located on the west coast; it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987 due to its complex geology and remarkable scenery. It is the largest national park in Atlantic Canada at 1,805 km2 (697 sq mi) and is a popular tourist destination.
  • Terra Nova National Park, on the island's east side, preserves the rugged geography of the Bonavista Bay region. It allows visitors to explore the historic interplay of land, sea and man.
  • L'Anse aux Meadows is an archaeological site located near the northernmost tip of the island (Cape Norman). It is the only known site of a Norse village in North America outside of Greenland, and is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is the only widely accepted site of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact. It has associations with the attempted colony of Vinland established by Leif Ericson around 1003.
The island has many tourism opportunities, ranging from sea kayaking, camping, fishing and hunting, to hiking. The International Appalachian Trail(IAT) is being extended along the island's mountainous west coast. On the east coast, the East Coast Trail extends through the Avalon Peninsula for 220 km (140 mi), beginning near Fort Amherst in St. John's and ending in Cappahayden, with an additional 320 km (200 mi) of trail under construction.
The Marble Mountain Ski Resort near Corner Brook is a major attraction in the winter for skiers in eastern Canada.
Other major communities include the following towns:

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday! Dr Bill!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

November 21, 2018 Wednesday#Church worship#Balance#Thanksgiving#Pilgrims#Points of interest

Get Faith
2 Chronicles 7:12  "The Lord appeared to  Solomon by night, and said to him. "I have heard your prayer, and have chosen this place for Myself as a house of sacrifice (to Me).  Solomon built a temple and dedicated it to the Lord and the Lord accepted his invitation and they spent time together.  This is the case with all churches - we build them to worship our God and hopefully invite others to join us there to be with our God.  We spend time with God (usually an hour a week) we tithe our 10% (hopefully) and hope that God will guard our lives and our loved ones all of the time.  We sacrifice little and receive so much.  This is the season (along with Easter) that people come to church.  But remember God is there for you, in your life 365 days a year - keep in touch with him.

Get Fit
I worked out cardio and legs today.  I know that I will be eating and sitting tomorrow so it is a good idea to get ahead of the problem.  Nicole and Kristin are running in a 5 k tomorrow, now that is a good way to start Thanksgiving!  I will be in my chair with my pajama's on and a cup of coffee watching the parade.  I'll make up for it on Friday.  Plan your attack people!!

On this day
1984   Not all Thanksgivings are wonderful, warm happy family times.  Things happen to spoil the holiday, and it can be depressing.  My boyfriend at the time, Mark had to have a tooth pulled on this the day before Thanksgiving.  We drove out to New Baltimore to pick up his son Aaron, who I was just getting to know, he was 6.  The best thing he liked about my house was my cat - Leibschen.  She turned out to be very fond of him also.  Poor Mark missed dinner the next day at his parents because of that tooth.  I took Aaron to their house to have dinner with them and later Jan brought dinner to us.

1620 - The Mayflower reached Provincetown, MA. The ship discharged the Pilgrims at Plymouth, MA, on December 26, 1620. And the next day was Thanksgiving and the women prepared a big turkey dinner!  (Right, they wish)


Points of interest and major settlements[edit]

Cod, the traditional mainstay of Newfoundland fisheries
Newfoundland has the most Dorset culture archeological sites. The Beothuk and Mi'kmaq did not leave as much evidence of their cultures.
As one of the first places in the New World where Europeans settled, Newfoundland also has a history of European colonization. St. John's is the oldest city in Canada and the oldest continuously settled location in English-speaking North America.
The St. John's census metropolitan area includes 12 suburban communities, the largest of which are the city of Mount Pearl and the towns of Conception Bay South and Paradise. The province's third-largest city is Corner Brook, which is situated on the Bay of Islands on the west coast of the island. This was recorded as a discovery by Captain James Cook.
The island of Newfoundland has numerous provincial parks such as Barachois Pond Provincial Park, considered to be a model forest, as well as two national parks.  I have to question Conception Bay and Paradise?  must have been a happy place, huh?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Nathan!

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 20, 2018 Tuesday#Peace#Be active#He's my brother#depressing movie#union with Canada

Get Faith
John 16:33  "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world."  The peace we have in Jesus is knowing that the greatest gift - life after death with God can never be taken from us.  We can enjoy this world knowing that no matter what happens in our lifetime we have that great gift of forgiveness and life everlasting with our Lord Jesus Christ.  That's something to be thankful for! 

Get Fit
Stay active, it is the best hope for this life to stay healthy.

On this day
1983  My younger brother Mark had moved in with me and was sleeping on the couch.  All of my bedrooms were full so I had gone looking for a place for him to stay.  A family, The Perkins offered a room, up in Rochester area.  It was so far away and he had no car, but it was affordable for us and they turned out to be a very good family for him.  It broke my heart to not be able to take him in but God had another plan in place which happened only weeks down the road.  So when you think prayers aren't answered think again.  I had recently met my next husband, also Mark, and he helped on this day to go to my brothers ex-girlfriends house and get his clothes and other belongings.  He had so little after years of being out in the streets. 

1983 - An estimated 100 million people watched the controversial ABC-TV movie "The Day After." The movie depicted the outbreak of nuclear war. It was scary and depressing!


Union with Canada[edit]

Newfoundland joined Canada on March 31, 1949. Union with Canada has done little to reduce Newfoundlanders' self-image as a unique group. In 2003, 72% of residents responding identified first as Newfoundlanders, secondarily as Canadians.[21] Separatist sentiment is low, though, less than 12% in the same 2003 study.
The referendum campaign of 1948 was bitterly fought, and interests in both Canada and Britain favoured and supported confederation with Canada. Jack Pickersgill, a western Canadian native and politician, worked with the confederation camp during the campaign. The Catholic Church, whose members were a minority on the island, lobbied for continued independence. Canada offered financial incentives, including a "baby bonus" for each child in a family. The Confederates were led by the charismatic Joseph Smallwood, a former radio broadcaster, who had developed socialist political inclinations while working for a socialist newspaper in New York City. His policies as premier were closer to liberalism than socialism.
Following confederation, Smallwood led Newfoundland for decades as the elected premier. He was said to have a "cult of personality" among his many supporters. Some residents featured photographs of "Joey" in their living rooms in a place of prominence.  Friends of mine in Toronto called them Newfies, with contempt.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Sandy C!