Monday, November 5, 2018

November 5, 2018 Monday# Daughters#Wimpy leg#Beastie Boys#Susan voted!#BlowmeDownmountains!

Get Faith
Isaiah 54-13 "All your sons will be taught by the Lord, and great will be your children's peace"  And daughters I will add - my daughter and soon to be daughter in law have both been taught well by the Lord and love to share their faith with others.  They are a blessing to anyone who meets them and the Lord has blessed them both with a multitude of support in their love and their ministry.  God has blessed me with these two wonderful, peaceful women in my life.  Thank you God.

Get Fit
Started this Monday off with the very exuberant Pilates band workout.  I can get through the standing workout and part of the floor leg workout but I have to remember the next time to start with the left leg floor workout or I will be that woman you see with one huge muscular leg and one wimpy leg. (That might be a slight exaggeration).

On this day
2004  This was a typical Friday with work and that happy feeling you get "knowing" its Friday.  I picked up pizza (always on Friday) after work on the way home.  Nicole (on a rare occasion) had taken the cats to the vet.  I don't remember having two cats at the same time, but that's what the journal said.  Then here is the biggie.  Aaron and Nicole went to the Beastie Boy Concert.  I didn't quit hearing about that for quite a while - they loved the Beastie Boys!!

 1872 - In the U.S., Susan B. Anthony was fined $100 for attempting to vote in the presidential election. She never paid the fine. Here is some very appropriate info for today!

York Harbor Newfoundland

Our sister communities offer many great attractions.  With a Bed & Breakfast, restaurants, cafe's and a 4 1/2 star Hotel that offers guests a great view of the Bay of Islands and located at the foothills of the Blow-Me-Down Mountains. Visit Bottle Cove Beach and enjoy a beautiful sunset on the boardwalk, go kayaking, take advantage of the great hiking trails in Bottle Cove or walk along the beach and explore the naturally carved “sea cave” on the south side of the cove. Marlaine's Cafe which has beautiful pastries, soups and sandwiches and a whale watching deck. Captain Cook's Restaurant in Little Port, sometimes offers the local catch of the day in their menu.
This sounds like a great start to support this place!  Let's go!  Lets look at the Blow me Down mountains.!

International Appalachian Trail Newfoundland and Labrador

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday John and Deborah!

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