Tuesday, November 20, 2018

November 20, 2018 Tuesday#Peace#Be active#He's my brother#depressing movie#union with Canada

Get Faith
John 16:33  "These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace.  In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer.  I have overcome the world."  The peace we have in Jesus is knowing that the greatest gift - life after death with God can never be taken from us.  We can enjoy this world knowing that no matter what happens in our lifetime we have that great gift of forgiveness and life everlasting with our Lord Jesus Christ.  That's something to be thankful for! 

Get Fit
Stay active, it is the best hope for this life to stay healthy.

On this day
1983  My younger brother Mark had moved in with me and was sleeping on the couch.  All of my bedrooms were full so I had gone looking for a place for him to stay.  A family, The Perkins offered a room, up in Rochester area.  It was so far away and he had no car, but it was affordable for us and they turned out to be a very good family for him.  It broke my heart to not be able to take him in but God had another plan in place which happened only weeks down the road.  So when you think prayers aren't answered think again.  I had recently met my next husband, also Mark, and he helped on this day to go to my brothers ex-girlfriends house and get his clothes and other belongings.  He had so little after years of being out in the streets. 

1983 - An estimated 100 million people watched the controversial ABC-TV movie "The Day After." The movie depicted the outbreak of nuclear war. It was scary and depressing!


Union with Canada[edit]

Newfoundland joined Canada on March 31, 1949. Union with Canada has done little to reduce Newfoundlanders' self-image as a unique group. In 2003, 72% of residents responding identified first as Newfoundlanders, secondarily as Canadians.[21] Separatist sentiment is low, though, less than 12% in the same 2003 study.
The referendum campaign of 1948 was bitterly fought, and interests in both Canada and Britain favoured and supported confederation with Canada. Jack Pickersgill, a western Canadian native and politician, worked with the confederation camp during the campaign. The Catholic Church, whose members were a minority on the island, lobbied for continued independence. Canada offered financial incentives, including a "baby bonus" for each child in a family. The Confederates were led by the charismatic Joseph Smallwood, a former radio broadcaster, who had developed socialist political inclinations while working for a socialist newspaper in New York City. His policies as premier were closer to liberalism than socialism.
Following confederation, Smallwood led Newfoundland for decades as the elected premier. He was said to have a "cult of personality" among his many supporters. Some residents featured photographs of "Joey" in their living rooms in a place of prominence.  Friends of mine in Toronto called them Newfies, with contempt.  

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday Sandy C!

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