Sunday, November 11, 2018

November 11, 2018 Sunday#Trust#Cover the board#Track meet#Dorset culture

Get Faith
Philippians 1:21  "For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain."  For those of us in the faith our hope is in the Lord.  If we live in Christ, remembering what He has done for us then death, is not a loss but a gain to heavenly life with our God and Father- a place we know is better than this earth that we have only known.  Trust in God.

On this day
2013 Sometimes life is a board game of keeping all the bases covered.  On this day I drove up to Roscommon and stayed for two days.  Lindsey had been there the last two days.  I believe Alice was out of town and Andy was recovering from something and we didn't want him to be alone.  I always had to wait for Nicole to get home to cover the cat at home.  I feel like there is an electronic board somewhere and all these dots are positioned for purpose and moved occasionally to keep certain other dots covered.  I know, I have an active imagination.  What do you think?

1868 - The first indoor amateur track and field meet was held by the New York Athletic Club. For all you runners!



Long settled by indigenous peoples of the Dorset culture, the island was visited by the Icelandic Viking Leif Eriksson in the 11th century, who called the new land "Vinland".[citation needed] The next European visitors to Newfoundland were Portuguese, Basque, Spanish, French and English migratory fishermen. The island was visited by the Genoese navigator John Cabot (Giovanni Caboto), working under contract to King Henry VII of England on his expedition from Bristol in 1497. In 1501, Portuguese explorers Gaspar Corte-Real and his brother Miguel Corte-Real charted part of the coast of Newfoundland in a failed attempt to find the Northwest Passage. (After European settlement, colonists first called the island Terra Nova, from "New Land" in Portuguese and Latin.)  Who were these Dorset culture?

Enjoy the day! Make it memorable!  Thanks to our Veterans today!! And everyday!

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