Sunday, November 18, 2018

November 18, 2018 Sunday#God is watching#Holidays coming#charity!#Culture!

Get Faith
Ezra 5:5 "The eye of their God was watching over (them)..... and they were not stopped."  In the book of Ezra another story of God sustaining the Israelite's in times of need.  The Bible is full of stories of God rescuing His people from enemies, fires, drought, and sin, finally sin.  He is still here for us saving ourselves mostly from ourselves.  He watches over you, even if you don't acknowledge  Him.  Give him your troubles, thanks and pray for His company with you.

Get Fit
Here come the holidays with all the food and beverages to go with it.  I love this time of year and being with friends and family.  I really enjoy the entertaining side of it - I love to host dinner ad have everyone over but my home is somehow too small now.  AND then comes January when we diet and exercise to get rid of all the excess weight we gained.  I suggest you try and restrain from the second helping the extra piece of pie or the scoop of ice cream - save yourself.

On this day
1981  One of our workers at Quality was off work for quite a while this year.  Dick had worked with us since I had started, we were a small close group.  I took up a collection for Dick and his family for Thanksgiving.  I went to the store and bought a turkey and groceries and took it over to him the Sunday before Thanksgiving.  He and his wife Rose and I think 2 daughters really appreciated it, I spent the afternoon with them.  This is the time of year when we think of those who could use a helping hand.  I know I have had my share of helping hands!

1820 - Captain Nathaniel Palmer became the first American to sight the continent of Antarctica.  Brrrr those guys didn't even have underarmour.


A new society[edit]

The European immigrants, mostly English, Scots, Irish and French, built a society in the New World unlike the ones they had left. It was also different from those other immigrants would build on the North American mainland. As a fish-exporting society, Newfoundland was in contact with many ports and societies around the Atlantic rim. But its geographic location and political distinctiveness isolated it from its closest neighbours, Canada and the United States. Internally, most of its population was spread widely around a rugged coastline in small outport settlements. Many were distant from larger centres of population and isolated for long periods by winter ice or bad weather. These conditions had an effect on the cultures of the immigrants. They generated new ways of thinking and acting. Newfoundland and Labrador developed a wide variety of distinctive customs, beliefs, stories, songs and dialects.
Cold place! Beliefs, stories, songs and dialects sounds good!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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