Saturday, November 10, 2018

November 10, 2018 Saturday#Give thanks#Too busy#dueling#Anglo's

Get Faith
1 Thessalonians 5:18  "In everything give thanks."  How simple is that!  When you are having a good day Thank God.  You may fall into believing that you are the creator of all you are and all you have, but think again.  Everything you have and have become is from the grace of God.  He created all that is, the earth and everything on it - you and what you are capable of and when all fails and life is not as good and you want to blame God - he is there to support you and hold you up for another try and in the end to take you home.  Our Father, who art in heaven!

On this day
2012  Some days go by with nothing happening and others, well.  I was preparing the living room for the construction of having a new door put in the next day.  My cousin Kay called and said she had the guys put her kitchen table (a very big, heavy oak table and chairs) in the truck and was bringing it over. My neighbor Barb, and Nicole and I carried it into the house, whew!  The city came by and planted two new trees on my boulevard.  Baked some breads for the board of youth having coffee hour at church the next day.  Cleaned house and did laundry.  Don came over and he mom and I went to church for dinner and the play Fiddler on the Roof.  Now that was a full day!  Thank God for every minute!

1801 - The U.S. state of Tennessee outlawed the practice of dueling. I see this as a positive!

According to 2006 official Census Canada statistics, 57% of responding Newfoundland and Labradorians claim British or Irish ancestry, with 43.2% claiming at least one English parent, 21.5% at least one Irish parent, and 7% at least one parent of Scottish origin. Additionally 6.1% claimed at least one parent of French ancestry.[9] The island's total population as of the 2006 census was 479,105.  Not much diversity here.

Enjoy the day!  make it memorable !  Happy Birthday Reba, Tim and Janet!!

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