Saturday, November 17, 2018

November 17, 2018 Saturday#RSVP#friends#Treason#A Skeltonicall!

Get Faith
Romans 8:28  "And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into his plans."  Do you fit in God's plan?  I think it is more regarding whether you ask God to be in His plan for you.  The invitation is always there, it is up to you to RSVP. 

On this day
1980  It was a Monday and I was at work.  My friend Patrick called to tell me his wife and my best friend, Pam had a baby boy born this day - Jon 9 lbs 2 oz.  She was the first of my close friend to have a baby and I wish I had spent more time with her during these days.  We, Pat, Pam and I are still good friends although they have divorced and moved on with their lives, we still share occasions with each other.  I like having good friends! 

1603 - Sir Walter Raleigh went on trial for treason. Must have been a movie written about this!

Skeltonicall continued ryme, in praise of my New-found-Land
Although in cloaths, company, buildings faire
With England, New-found-land cannot compare:
Did some know what contentment I found there,
Alwayes enough, most times somewhat to spare,
With little paines, lesse toyle, and lesser care,
Exempt from taxings, ill newes, Lawing, feare,
If cleane, and warme, no matter what you weare,
Healthy, and wealthy, if men careful are,
With much-much more, then I will now declare,
(I say) if some wise men knew what this were
(I doe beleeue) they'd live no other where.
From 'The First Booke of Qvodlibets'
Composed and done at Harbor-Grace in
Britaniola, anciently called Newfound-Land
by Governor Robert Hayman – 1628.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Jon and Jeff!!

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