Tuesday, November 13, 2018

November 13, 2018 Tuesday #Joyful, patient,faithful#Chiropractor#RIP Dennis#Hotdog!#English/Beothuk

Get Faith
Romans 12:12  "Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer."  Good suggestions to make for a better day.  When you are looking forward to an event - a happy event, it gives you joy, as should looking forward to having a good life trusting in God to care for you.  When you are not feeling well, maybe with a serious health issue we often lose our temper wondering, why me?  Give God your sadness, be patient for Him to care for you.  Always be faithful in prayer - it makes for a good reminder to be joyful and patient.

Get Fit
I went to the chiropractor - I trust mine to fix all my aches and pains and he doesn't fail me.  I will have to go back a few times as all the driving and stress lately has turned my back into a bad looking iron porch railing, crooked and sagging.  So today I worked out with weights.  Probably not the best idea but I always think - muscles support the bones and if not you look like a bent over, aged person which I probably will be someday - not today.  Stay healthy !

On this day
2016  Nicole and I went to Christ Lutheran on this day.  We drove by the nursing home that I had recently learned my cousin Dennis was in with end stage cancer.  We had been close when we were kids, his mom and dad were two of my favorite Aunt and Uncle's, so it was necessary for me to stop and see him on the way home.  I got there in time to help him with his food and spend some time talking.  I was glad I did he passed shortly afterward.  Take time to visit or send a card to someone or it might be too late.  They and their family will appreciate it.

1805 - Johann George Lehner, a Viennese butcher, invented a recipe and called it the "frankfurter." in case you were wondering.

On August 5, 1583, Sir Humphrey Gilbert claimed Newfoundland as England's first overseas colony under Royal Charter of Queen Elizabeth I of England, thus officially establishing a forerunner to the much later British Empire.[10]Newfoundland is considered Britain's oldest colony.[11] At the time of English settlement, the Beothuk inhabited the island.
L'Anse aux Meadows was a Norse settlement near the northernmost tip of Newfoundland (Cape Norman), which has been dated to be approximately 1,000 years old. The site is considered the only undisputed evidence of Pre-Columbian contact between the Old and New Worlds, if the Norse-Inuit contact on Greenland is not counted. Point Rosee, in southwest Newfoundland, was thought to be a second Norse site until excavations in 2015 and 2016 found no evidence of any Norse presence.[12] The island is a likely location of Vinland, mentioned in the Viking Chronicles, although this has been disputed.
  I suppose if you only ever lived in snow and ice it is all you would think there is.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Charlene!

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