Thursday, November 8, 2018

November 8, 2018 Thursday #Good advice#Walk#Fitz#dramaQueen#The island

Get Faith
Ephesians 4:31-32  "Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice.  Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you."  And your reward is eternal life, anymore questions.? 

Get Fit
Planning on doing a few laps at church in the gym before Bible study.  What is your plan for activity today?  No smart remarks necessary. lol

On this day
2008  Bob Fitzpatrick, the man I had cared for at least 1 1/2 years was reaching the end of his journey, but he wasn't done yet.  He was a tough Irishman that was hanging on to the last shred of dignity.  The night before when I got there after work he was ready to go to Country Inn for dinner as he had for all the time I was going up there.  So on this Saturday morning we went through all the regular routines that he was insistent on.  I took him up to St Clair for a haircut, we stopped in Morelli's in Marine City for breakfast, went to the meat store - Zimmerman's for meat for dinner.  After that we went to Richmond to the Dollar General, Meijers for more groceries and back to his house.  He was blind but had a single thread of sight that he tried to catch every  bit of countryside and location as we drove around, being starved for vision of the things so familiar to him.  Back at his home we chatted, as I cooked dinner and he sat at the kitchen table where I guess he must have sat for the last 50 years.  He was not a "sit on the comfortable couch or recliner and watch TV" guy - he liked that kitchen table.  While we had dinner I turned on the little TV I had found in his huge house, and we listened to Lawrence Welk.  I always did this with Mom when at my home.  He could tell you every person who was singing and there back ground stories, where they came from etc.  God bless him, he was a remarkable man.

1880 - French actress Sarah Bernhardt made her American stage debut in "Adrienne Lecouvreur" in New York City. We called my niece Merri "Sarah" when she was little because she too was a drama queen - ummm  still is, lol.

York Harbor Newfoundland
Newfoundland (/ˈnjfən(d)lənd-lændnjˈfnd-/locally /ˌnjfəndˈlænd/;[5] FrenchTerre-Neuve)[6] is a large Canadian island off the east coast of the North American mainland, and the most populous part of the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. It has 29 percent of the province's land area. The island is separated from the Labrador Peninsula by the Strait of Belle Isle and from Cape Breton Island by the Cabot Strait. It blocks the mouth of the Saint Lawrence River, creating the Gulf of Saint Lawrence, the world's largest estuary. Newfoundland's nearest neighbour is the French overseas community of Saint-Pierre and MiquelonHad to expand our search so check out the island of Newfoundland.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Robyn and Willie!!

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