Friday, November 30, 2018

November 30, 2018 Friday#Sing to the Lord#Get strong#Visit#Creole#Zurich!

Get Faith
Psalm 43:4  "Then will I go to the altar of God, to God, my joy and my delight.  I will praise you with the harp, O God, my God."  The season of caroling and joyful Christmas music is all around us.  If you do go to church you sing all the songs of advent and the coming Christmas carols.  So many beautiful songs have been written to celebrate our God, the inventor or our lives and the joy of our hearts.  When you get in your car the Christmas music has taken over your favorite channels and you find yourself singing along to all the songs of your past, your childhood and current favorite artists.  God loves to hear the music I think, the psalms are written to Him by all those who have gone before us a long time ago.  Music is eternal - like God.

Get Fit
If you are hoping for some big heavy presents this year or carrying around your shopping through the mall - you need to stay strong!!  If you have any surgery the therapist comes in to help you strengthen your muscles and get your strength back.  I'm not making this up!  It's true.  Ask for some weights for Christmas!

On this day
1997  After church Nicole and I went and spent the afternoon with Grandma and Grandpa at their house.  I'm so glad we made time for them because here 20 plus years later, Grandma is in Florida and Grandpa is gone.  When we left their house we went and spent some time at Ty and Norma's house as they were on vacation in Mexico.  Their kitties were happy to see us and Nicole loved to play with them.  I like to spend Sundays visiting or having company, it is an old habit from my childhood that seems worthwhile keeping in my life.  We usually went to see my cousins, both sides of the family, and spend the afternoon.  It was my Dad's idea. Do you make time to visit?

1803 - Spain completed the process of ceding Louisiana to France. What a great influence on their culture down there!

From York Harbor Newfoundland to Zurich Switzerland!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kristen and Sarah!!!

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