Thursday, November 22, 2018

November 22, 2018 Thursday #Circle of Thanksgiving #Have a very blessed Thanksgiving!

Get Faith
2 Corinthians 9:15  "Thanks be to God for his indescribable gift!"  As we all gather with family or with neighbors and friends.  Maybe some are alone, missing Thanksgivings past.  We can all be thankful for the all the good things God has given us.  If you are reading this you have a roof over you head, are clothed and fed, I hope.  Some people fall through the cracks in life for whatever reasons.  Our God gives us a safety net - at the end of this life however we are welcomed home to be with the family of God at a feast of your liking in our heavenly home.  Come and join us that are saved by grace and forgiven through our Savior Jesus Christ.  Peace and love on this Thanksgiving day!

On this day
1985  It wasn't the 22, it was the 28th but it was Nicole's first Thanksgiving, she would have been 6 months old and  slept through dinner.  I had 13 for dinner, which is a lot of people for my dining room but it was a wonderful, great dinner with the entire McCarthy clan.  When Nicole woke up at the end of dinner, Harvey, Pams brother was the closest to the bedroom where she was in her crib.  We told him to go get her and he came out like he was holding a sack of china potatoes.  I won't forget it.  Hope you have great memories of years gone by!!

1985 - 38,648 immigrants became citizens of the United States. It was the largest swearing-in ceremony. Now that would have been a great Thanksgiving for them!!  Love the USA!

  • Gros Morne National Park is located on the west coast; it was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1987 due to its complex geology and remarkable scenery. It is the largest national park in Atlantic Canada at 1,805 km2 (697 sq mi) and is a popular tourist destination.
  • Terra Nova National Park, on the island's east side, preserves the rugged geography of the Bonavista Bay region. It allows visitors to explore the historic interplay of land, sea and man.
  • L'Anse aux Meadows is an archaeological site located near the northernmost tip of the island (Cape Norman). It is the only known site of a Norse village in North America outside of Greenland, and is designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site. It is the only widely accepted site of pre-Columbian trans-oceanic contact. It has associations with the attempted colony of Vinland established by Leif Ericson around 1003.
The island has many tourism opportunities, ranging from sea kayaking, camping, fishing and hunting, to hiking. The International Appalachian Trail(IAT) is being extended along the island's mountainous west coast. On the east coast, the East Coast Trail extends through the Avalon Peninsula for 220 km (140 mi), beginning near Fort Amherst in St. John's and ending in Cappahayden, with an additional 320 km (200 mi) of trail under construction.
The Marble Mountain Ski Resort near Corner Brook is a major attraction in the winter for skiers in eastern Canada.
Other major communities include the following towns:

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday! Dr Bill!

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