Friday, November 9, 2018

November 9, 2019 Friday#intecessoryprayer#Jillian#Liveinyourmeans#16th largest island!

Get Faith
Romans 8:27  "Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercessions for the saints according to the will of God."  The study writer explains that intercessory prayer, the kind of prayer that God places on the hearts of friends and family members or possibly those we don't even know.   When you are weak and lost, unable to find those prayers for yourself, the Holy Spirit comes in and lifts those prayers from you and those praying for you to God.  So when you say you are praying for someone be assured that those prayers are lifted to God by the Holy Spirit.

Get Fit
Worked out with Jillian this morning while watching the snow and rain come down.  Thank God today if you are in a warm comfortable house,  with all you need for a wonderful day! 

On  this day
2010  I noted that I got gas in the car this day and that it was $3.04 a gallon.  I remember back when gas and bread were .19 and now bread too is $3.00.  It is all relevant - salaries and costs have gone up tremendously, but they have gone up together.  I think back to the 3 bedroom sided bungalow my parents lived in by 7 Mile and Van Dyke when I was born.  It was what most people lived in, the average I would say.  Sure there were those who had fancier brick homes but nothing that compared to the homes that are standard for families now.  We have driven our own prices up folks - don't blame someone else.

 1911 - George Claude of Paris, France, applied for a patent on neon advertising signs. Thank George!!

York Harbor - Newfoundland
With an area of 108,860 square kilometres (42,031 sq mi),[7] Newfoundland is the world's 16th-largest islandCanada's fourth-largest island, and the largest Canadian island outside the North. The provincial capital, St. John's, is located on the southeastern coast of the island; Cape Spear, just south of the capital, is the easternmost point of North America, excluding Greenland. It is common to consider all directly neighbouring islands such as New World, TwillingateFogo and Bell Island to be 'part of Newfoundland' (as distinct from Labrador). By that classification, Newfoundland and its associated small islands have a total area of 111,390 square kilometres (43,008 sq mi).[8]    These place are so much more interesting then i thought.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Hudson!! Christine! Donn W

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