Tuesday, November 6, 2018

November 6, 2018 Tuesday #Praise God#Move!#Family fun#Outer Bay Islands!

Get Faith
Psalm 106:1  "Praise the Lord! O give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures for ever!"  The stories in the Bible tell how from the beginning He has cared for His people.  Through all the wars, famines and slavery - He saved His beloved people and finally as he promised from the beginning He sent our Savior Jesus Christ to save us from our sin sick souls.  Praise God who loves us and always cares for us through all of our troubles. 

Get Fit
Although I have a nagging pain in my left shoulder blade I pushed through the daily dozen.  It is still there but better.  I always think moving the wrong way brought it on - so I will keep moving it till it gets better.  I could have laid on the floor in Side lying Thoracic Rotation pose all day and I might still.  Keep moving so the back aches don't come.

On this day
2005  It was a youth service apparently because Nicole and Adam did the service and my Sunday School class served communion.    It says later that Nicole went back to school (Albion) after that.  I  paid Nicole and Aaron to insulate the attic for me - lots of laughs and stories about that and was able to take the left over insulation back to Home Depot to save some money!  After all that and Nicole left I  worked on the annual report for church, it's that time of year.  Mom was home with me and I miss her company.

2005  The Evansville Tornado of November 2005 kills 25 in northwestern Kentucky and southwestern Indiana.

York Harbor Newfoundland

Captain James Cook surveyed and chartered the coasts of Newfoundland between 1764 and 1767.  Among the vessels assigned to the Newfoundland squadron where the H.M.S York and H.M.S Lark, after which the harbours, and later the communities, were named.  The Outer Bay of Islands, (consisting of York Harbour and Lark Harbour, which also incorporates Bottle Cove and Little Port) first saw permanent settlers in the early part of the nineteenth century.
The Outer Bay Islands 

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Sheena and Ruth!!

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