Monday, November 26, 2018

November 26, 2018 Monday#Praise God#I got legs#more Turkey!#plate tectonics!

Get Faith
Psalm 50:23  "But true praise is a worthy sacrifice; this really honors me.  Those who walk my paths will receive salvation from the Lord."  God is not interested in your wealth.  Yes, He does want you to support your church, as this supports His presence in your community and gives a place to His people to be in community with each other and learn his paths.  Your attention to Him in prayer and praise is what this verse tells us he wants.  Spend some time with God today - in thanks and praise.

Get Fit
Worked out the legs, hips and buttocks this morning.  I like to know that I will be able to take the stairs, walk and keep moving for the maximum amount of time.  I hope you are keeping up your strength as well or I will be pushing you in a wheelchair, and, that is ok, I will.

On this day
1989  This was the Sunday after Thanksgiving and because I had gone to my mother in laws for dinner - I baked a turkey to have left overs at home.  Mom came over for dinner too.  How many of you cook a turkey if you went elsewhere for Thanksgiving?  I know quite a few who do.

1789 - U.S. President Washington set aside this day to observe the adoption of the Constitution of the United StatesSo there is your task for the day!
What Does the “General Welfare” Clause Mean? | blogsense-by-barb

One of the most noteworthy aspects of Newfoundland geology is a result of the constant movement of tectonic plates. Approximately 500 million years ago the action of these plates forced parts of the oceanic crust beneath the Iapetus Ocean up and over the eastern margin of the North American plate.[15][16] Sections of oceanic crust which overlie continental crust are known as ophiolitesGros Morne National Park was designated a UNESCOWorld Heritage Site because it is one of the best places in the world to see the effects of plate tectonics[3] and one of the few places where rocks formed at the Mohorovicic Discontinuity between the crust and the upper mantle of the Earth can be seen.[15][17]
Another notable geology site is at Mistaken Point, where rocks containing probably the oldest metazoan fossils in North America and the most ancient deep-water marine fossils in the world are found preserved in layers of volcanic ash.[18]
Labrador is the easternmost part of the Canadian Shield and is composed of ancient Precambrian igneous and metamorphic rocks. The interior averages about 450 metres (1,480 ft) above sea level and is cut by large, east-flowing rivers, such as the Churchill River and its tributaries.[11] The northern coast is largely mountainous. The Torngat MountainsKaumajet Mountains and Kiglapait Mountains dominate this area with the highest peak being Mount Caubvick at 1,652 metres (5,420 ft). Torngat Mountains National Park Reserve was created in 2005 to preserve part of this area.[19]  I imagine this is pretty exciting to Geologists to see.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Jessica

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