Tuesday, November 27, 2018

November 27, 2018 Tuesday#Advent#Be well#The good child#Statistics#low life.

Get Faith
Psalm 27:14  "Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart, wait, I say, on the Lord!"  Are you as impatient as I am?  When we say a prayer we are looking for that instant gratification as with so many things we want these days?  We are leading into advent - a time for waiting as Mary waited the birth of the child she was caring.  If you have born a child or lived the experience with someone, you know, how long that last month is.  And, so, we wait the birth of our Savior and King on Christmas day.  The advised method of waiting is in prayer and thought, preparing ourselves for the day we rejoice.  So, as we decorate and purchase gifts, bake cookies and send cards we should recall Mary and her vigil, as she lumbered through that last month, hoping her child would be born well and safe. Try the advent vigil with Mary - spend a prayerful moment at a point in your day - praying for the peace and love that one small baby brought into the world.

Get Fit
I let Jillian beat me up today.  As I sit here I can still (after all the years I have worked out) feel the burn in my arms and shoulders.  Ask Santa for some help in your fitness routine - whatever works best for you, equipment, video's or a membership.  It will be the gift that keeps on giving! (and aching).

On this day
1990  Nicole was 5 and I had signed on to start a troupe of Daisy's (early girl scouts) with another Mom.  On this day my neighbor Linda dropped off Nicole's Daisy smock.  I can tell you that even at this early stage Nicole had a clear idea of who she was and what she liked, and it wasn't Daisy's.  After a few meetings of making daisy chains and girl's hobbies - she refused to go.  "Why can't we go camping or learn archery?"  Obviously a life defining moment and I duly noted it.  They would not let her join cub scouts with all her best friends.  We all have opinions on this topic but I can tell you I was more interested in developing a well balanced, happy child then forcing issues on her that would leave her in therapy later.  I made the right choice.  I thank God for her faith and fortitude!

1839 - The American Statistical Association was founded in Boston. Now this is boring no matte how you look at it.



The biosphere is subdivided into distinct geographical regions called biomes.[20] Newfoundland and Labrador are divided into two biomes: tundra and taiga. Northern Labrador is part of the tundra, while southern Labrador is part of the taiga. Newfoundland is not typical of either biome, as it lacks much of the plant and animal life that are characteristic to these biomes. During the last ice age the island of Newfoundland was completely covered by glaciers and swept clean of life.[20] Only those species which were able to recolonize the island after the glaciers retreated about 18,000 years ago are considered "native". Similarly, only freshwater-fish capable of surviving seawater swam to the island. Labrador has 42 native mammals, Newfoundland is home only to 14, with no snakes, raccoons, skunks or porcupines.[4] large herds of Woodland caribou can be found in the barren interior regions of the island. Two animals formerly resident in Newfoundland have been declared extinct: the Great auk, a flightless seabird, and the Newfoundland wolf, a subspecies of the Gray wolf. The Labrador duck, believed to have nested in Labrador, was one of the first North American bird species to be recorded as becoming extinct.[21]   Life and the earth changes everyday, we can not do anything about much of it.  
Think  California.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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