Thursday, November 15, 2018

November 15, 2018 Thursday #God is good#Condo show#Zebulon#colonisation!

Get Faith
Psalm 84:11  "He gives us grace and glory.  No good thing will he withheld from those who walk along his paths."  There is so much to miss by not walking with God.  He lifts us up to heights we cannot reach alone and good things like peace, love and comfort are with us when we stay at His side.  Our Pastor was absent at Bible Study this morning and asked me to lead in his absence.  We had been looking at hymns and I provided a couple books I have that list a hymn and tell what Bible verse it is based on and who the originators were and a little of their background.  It was well received and we sang a lot of hymns.

On this day
1978  I used to work the vendor shows at Cobo Hall for Quality.  This one was the Apartment and Condo  show.  I enjoyed them but they were tiring.  I always dressed up and wore heels - I lived in heels those days, but 10 hours was a bit much.  The shows were a great place to meet guys and I noted that I met Jim and Rusty on this day.  If they still have these home shows anymore I never hear or don't pay attention to them.  I have so much stuff I could throw my own show, how about you?

1806 - Explorer Zebulon Pike spotted the mountaintop that became known as Pikes Peak. Zebulon - never heard that one before.


European contact, colonisation and settlement[edit]

Newfoundland is the site of the only authenticated Norse settlement in North America. This archeological site was discovered by Norwegian explorer Helge Ingstad and his wife, archaeologist Anne Stine Ingstad, at L'Anse aux Meadows in 1960. The site has been the subject of multi-year archaeological digs in the 1960s and 1970s.
These have revealed that the settlement dated to more than 500 years before John Cabot; it contains the earliest-known European structures in North America. Designated as a World Heritage site by UNESCO, it is believed to be the Vinland settlement of explorer Leif Eiriksson. (The Icelandic Skálholt Vinland Map of 1570 refers to the area as "Promontorium Winlandiæ" and correctly shows it on a 51°N parallel with Bristol, England). The Norse stayed for a relatively short period of time, believed to be between 999 and 1001 AD.

Before and after the departure of the Norse, the island was inhabited by aboriginal populations

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Megan!!

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