Saturday, November 24, 2018

November 24, 2018 Saturday #Knowledgeispower#Dozen#Marty#nuclear weapons#God's earth

Get Faith
Proverbs 4:11  "I guide you in the way of wisdom and lead you along straight paths."  It gets back to what we talk about - read your Bible.  It is the place to find the wisdom shared by God to His people and related to you here in Proverbs, and everywhere in the book.  When you know the right way to go you can follow the right path to lead you to the peace and joy and comfort that we as Christians have.  So get smart and find out what you are missing for the Truth.

Get Fit
Try the Daily Dozen - you won't be disappointed in the over all stretch and strengthening it gives you.   Twelve different moves and stretches to make you feel stronger, better balanced and straighter posture.  It only takes a half hour a day to start your morning, it is so worth it.

On this day
1987  Mark's friend Marty had a fire in his apartment building and asked if he could temporarily move in with us till he found a place.  On this day he started moving in his stuff.  The majority of his stuff were sports cards - piles of them, but that is another story.  He ended up staying 7 years - longer than Mark did.  He was quite a character and we loved him and he loved us - mostly Nicole who he tutored in playing sports and everything about them.  He played basketball in the driveway with them every chance they got.  I credit him with the devotion to and knowledge of sports that she loves.  He was a big help to me, as Mark worked 7 days a week.  Marty was always home in time for dinner and a constant in the kids life.  We lost him too soon - he is remembered by many.

1987 - The U.S. and the Soviet Union agreed to scrap short- and medium-range missiles. It was the first superpower treaty to eliminate an entire class of nuclear weapons. It was a great effort but still an issue today.


Fauna and flora[edit]

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