Sunday, November 4, 2018

November 4, 2018 Sunday #Thanks#Sunday School#Rude#mixed up dinner#beautiful harbor!

Get Faith
Philippians 4:19  "And my God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus."  We only need to ask, he daily gives us all we need.  Everyone I know has a roof over their head, food to eat and clothes to wear.  That is not true for everyone in the world.  November is a month where we remember to Thank God for all we have and to help others to have those things that we take for granted.  The best promise of all is the promise we have in Jesus Christ!

Get Fit
I got a little work out in today when Renata led the kids in a warm up to get there attention.  Hey!  it counts!

On this day
I had an appointment at the doctor's office for a regular check up.  After a long wait - I put my clothes back on and went out to the nurse and said "I'm very sorry but I can't wait any longer - I will have to reschedule" and I did and left.  I was not sick so it wasn't necessary to see him that day and I have walked out on doctor appointments before.  Alice and Andy had this situation last  week and Alice was fit to be tied!  It is not ok to take advantage of someone else's time.  I have had a situation when the nurse came out and said that the doctor I was waiting for was tied up in surgery and would we please reschedule or see another doctor.  I understand that. 

I had to get home because Jan and Waynette were coming over to help me make dinner for Nicole's basketball team.  It was a crazy dinner where people had to select what 3 items they wanted for each course, but it was in Italian.  So maybe you got your ice cream, a napkin and a knife for the first course and all courses were cleared before the next was served.  So much fun!.

1880 - James and John Ritty patented the first cash register. Thanks guys! a version of this is still in use.

York Harbor Newfoundland
File:Corner Brook from above.jpg - Wikimedia Commons York Harbour Map - Newfoundland and Labrador - MapcartaIrishtown-Summerside, York Harbour, Newfoundland and ...
This is a small town and we will probably branch out to the surrounding area but look how beautiful it is here!!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable! Happy Birthday to Christina 

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