Friday, November 16, 2018

November 16, 2018 Friday#He is waiting#Treadmill time#Swinger#discovered-again!

Get Faith
Psalm 46:1-2  "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.  Therefore we will not fear."  Many people facing death from illness for the first time become believers.  They cling to God in their fear of the unknown - much as God has been to them.  But when faced with that which we have no control over, we turn to God, which makes the above verse the reason we hear this at funerals so often or at hospital bedsides, or in comforting those who mourn.  I suggest you get in touch with God before, because, He can help with so much more than those last moments.  He has been waiting for you your whole life, waiting to comfort and love you through all your struggles.

Get Fit
I'm trying to convince myself to get back to the YMCA to use their treadmill for the winter.  I am not a fan of all the machinery but I do need to walk.  I like to do weights and yoga, etc at home.  I have the Silver Sneakers so no excuses.  C'mon talk me into it!!

On this day
1979  Most of my life I have had used cars from one person or another, or a lot.  I did buy one car brand new but that was the exception.  I also had a brand new lease that the boss got for me, for three years, that was nice.  But, most often if someone had a good used car I would trade up.  On this day my cousin Darrel brought over a 1973 Swinger, in great shape and low miles.  I had that car for quite a while.  Then I gave it to my sister in law Adele for a car to drive back and forth to work and she sold it.

1907 - Oklahoma was admitted as the 46th state. Wow!  that was just over 100 years ago!  OOOOOOklahoma!


Discovery by Cabot[edit]

About 500 years later, in 1497, the Italian navigator John Cabot (Zuan/Giovanni Cabotto) became the first European since the Norse settlers to set foot on Newfoundland, working under commission of King Henry VII of England. His landing site is unknown but popularly believed to be Cape Bonavista, along the island's East coast.[16] Another site claimed is Cape Bauld, at the tip of the Great Northern Peninsula. A document found in the Spanish National Archives, written by a Bristol merchant, reports that Cabot's crew landed 1,800 miles (2,900 km) west of Dursey Head, Ireland (latitude 51° 35'N), which would put Cabot within sight of Cape Bauld. This document mentions an island that Cabot sailed past to go ashore on the mainland. This description fits with the Cape Bauld theory, as Belle Isle is not far offshore.[16]
But Belle isle is here in Detroit?

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Chollo and Sheldon!

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