Monday, December 10, 2018

December 10, 2018 Monday#Show you are Christian#Get strength#busy and happy#isolationists!

Get Faith
1 John 4:7  "Beloved, let us love one another, for love is of God; and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God."  Tis the season to love and be loved.  Our beloved Christ was born and we celebrate with joy and fellowship.  There are those (many) who do not know Christ, so the best thing you can give is the knowledge of God our Father and Jesus our Savior and the Holy Spirit who breathes life and faith into us daily.  One God.  Are there people in you family and friends who don't know Jesus Christ?  I like what St Francis  said  "Tell people about Jesus and, if you must, use words."
Show that you are a Christian this season by sharing the love.  They will know we are Christians by our love by our love.

Get Fit
Do your hips bother you?  Are you getting concerned about knee or hip replacement?  Start slow - but the best thing you can do ahead of it is exercise.  Strengthen those muscles that support your hips and knees, they are not meant to operate on their own.  Keep your back strong to keep the muscles doing the work NOT your bones.  I started the week with the stretch band workout that works the shoulders, arms, back, legs and buttocks.  I have to bake this week and we know how hard that can be on your back and legs!

On this day
2012  Wow 6 six years ago, I was newly retired and wasting no time getting things done.  After my normal morning routine, I did laundry, decorated, took Mom to Macomb Mall shopping, stopped by church, out to lunch, K-mart and home to write Christmas cards.  After dinner Don came over and we went to Fraser for his grandson Alex's hockey game!  I'm tired reading it - but it is the way I run my life, busy.  I see others on Facebook that do the same.  I can only keep up if I exercise, honest!

1817 - Mississippi was admitted to the Union as the 20th American state. 201 years later!  welcome!

Zurich Switzerland
During the 16th and 17th centuries, the Council of Zürich adopted an isolationist attitude, resulting in a second ring of imposing fortifications built in 1624. The Thirty Years' War which raged across Europe motivated the city to build these walls. The fortifications required a lot of resources, which were taken from subject territories without reaching any agreement. The following revolts were crushed brutally. In 1648, Zürich proclaimed itself a republic, shedding its former status of a free imperial city.[26] In this time the political system of Zürich was an oligarchy (Patriziat): the dominant families of the city were the following ones: Bonstetten, Brun, Bürkli, Escher vom Glas, Escher vom Luchs, Hirzel, Jori (or von Jori), Kilchsperger, Landenberg, Manesse, Meiss, Meyer von Knonau, Mülner, von Orelli.  Walls to keep some in and some out.

The Murerplan of 1576

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy birthday to Kali and Nick!!

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