Saturday, December 15, 2018

December 15, 2018 Saturday #Choices#Laughter#Federals#Gemeinderat

Get Faith
Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."  This is kind of a no brainer!  Who doesn't want to be saved from death?  Who would rather receive the Lord Jesus Christ as their Savior and have eternal life?  It isn't rocket science people!

Get Fit
So glad I have done those sit ups and Pilates moves all this time.  It came in handy when 2 year old Hudson was jumping on me this morning while playing - I could automatically tighten those abs and save myself from internal damage!  Laughter heals all your ills doesn't it?

On this day
1967  Short post about Don and I going to the clubhouse.  But a note about going shopping at Federal's Dept Store.  Who remember's Federals?  Mom got a job there when Dad died.  She worked 2 - 40 hour shifts, at a 1.00 an hour for quite a while, in the cash office.  She liked the work, but was away from home a lot.  I was 13 and my brother Mark was 3.  To keep some type of family life, I would make dinner and Mom would run home and eat dinner with us.  Andy was working two part time jobs to help out.  We of course shopped at Federals, the one at 6 Mile and Schaeffer at first but then Mom got transferred to the one at Grand River and Greenfield.  That is the Federals I remember the best, that and a pretty aqua, fitted dress with matching satin trim.  We managed a nice Christmas that year, even though Dad had passed just a few months before.  Do you remember Federals?

1815 - Jane Austen's "Emma" was published. I'm not sure I read this, maybe.

Zurich Switzerland


The Gemeinderat of Zürich for the mandate period of 2018–2022
  AL (8%)
  SP (34.4%)
  GPS (12.8%)
  GLP (11.2%)
  EVP (3.2%)
  FDP (16.8%)
  SVP (13.6%)
The Municipal Council (Gemeinderat) holds the legislative power. It is made up of 125 members (Gemeindrat / Gemeinderätin), with elections held every four years. The Municipal Council decrees regulations and by-laws that are executed by the City Council and the administration. The sessions of the Municipal Council are held in public. Unlike those of the City Council, the members of the Municipal Council are not politicians by profession but are paid a fee based on their attendance. Any resident of Zürich allowed to vote can be elected as a member of the Municipal Council. The legislative body holds its meetings in the town hall (Rathaus), on the right bank of the Limmat opposite to the City Hall (Stadthaus).[31]
The last election of the Municipal Council was held on 4 March 2018 for the mandate period of 2018–2022.[30] As of May 2018, the Municipal Council consist of 43 members of the Social Democratic Party (SP), 21 The Liberals (FDP), 17 members of the Swiss People's Party (SVP), 16 Green Party (GPS), 14 Green Liberal Party (GLP), 10 Alternative List (AL), and four members of the Evangelical People's Party (EVP), giving the left parties an absolute majority of 69.[32]

Not sure about this system?.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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