Wednesday, December 5, 2018

December 5, 2018 Wednesday#Peace Like a river#Dance like David#Memory#Lake Zurich

Get Fit
Isaiah 66:12  "For thus says the Lord, "Behold, I extend peace .... like a river."  Imagine yourself sitting on a grassy place and watching a river pass by, hear the rush of the water and see the fish in the water and animals drinking from it's delicious water.  Don't remember anything but the complete peace and quiet, with maybe just a bird singing a sweet song to God it's maker.  Take a deep breath and think of the air filling your lungs with it's sweetness.  Feel the warm sun on your face and a cool breeze across your forehead.  Nothing can give you peace like time with the Lord.  Amen?

Get Fit
Psalm 149 tells us to sing and dance to the Lord "Let them praise His name with dancing."  There is joy and exercise in dancing and it pleases the Lord.  I worked on the dancers legs skills so that when the spirit moves me to dance - I can.  And believe me, I do.  Dancing is great exercise.

On this day
2004  So much of our life is repetition, but if you are like me you take comfort and satisfaction in it.  Because I journal I can go back years and see the same things over and over, maybe with different people though.  On this day - I taught Sunday School and sang with the choir at the 11:00 service, after which we had our congregational meeting.  In the afternoon I put up the Christmas lights outside, which I haven't done in a few years now.  I don't do ladders anymore, well big ladders.  After that Mom and I went to church for the Carol a Long.  I love to remember how much Mom loved this event.  Do you get tired of the same things or do you love to remember the different people involved over the years?  I like to think I live everyday to the fullest, but I like to look back and remember.

1560 - Charles IX succeeded as King of France on the death of Francis II. 
François Clouet (1510 – 1572, French) | I AM A CHILD  Nope, not even his picture comes to mind, he is just a kid!

Zurich Switzerland

Early history[edit]

Johann Balthasar Bullinger's imagining of Zürich in Roman times (engraving 1773)
Settlements of the Neolithic and Bronze Age were found around Lake Zürich. Traces of pre-Roman Celtic, La Tène settlements were discovered near the Lindenhof , a morainic hill dominating the SE - NW waterway constituted by Lake Zurich and the river Limmat.[21] In Roman times, during the conquest of the alpine region in 15 BC, the Romans built a castellum on the Lindenhof.[21] Later here was erected Turicum (a toponym of clear Celtic origin), a tax-collecting point for goods trafficked on the Limmat, which constituted part of the border between Gallia Belgica (from AD 90 Germania Superior) and Raetia: this customs point developed later into a vicus.[21] After Emperor Constantine's reforms in AD 318, the border between Gaul and Italy (two of the four praetorian prefectures of the Roman Empire) was located east of Turicum, crossing the river Linth between Lake Walen and Lake Zürich, where a castle and garrison looked over Turicum's safety. The earliest written record of the town dates from the 2nd century, with a tombstone referring to it as to the Statio Turicensis Quadragesima Galliarum("Zürich post for collecting the 2.5% value tax of the Galliae"), discovered at the Lindenhof.[21]  The long arm of Rome.

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dennis G

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