Sunday, December 23, 2018

December 23, 2018 Sunday#The Star#Christmas party#Early Zurich Churches

Get Faith
Matthew 2:9  "(The Magi) departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was."  What a coincidence!  If you believe any part of the story, you must believe it all.  God created the heavens and the earth.  He can make fire rain down from the sky, calm the stormy sea and set a star in the sky over His Son's birthplace in Bethlehem.  We now have that Son that guides us in our lives.  He has set our path in motion to follow Him home to eternal life with Him.  Our God is an awesome God! 

On this day
1985  Nicole was only 7 months old, but I took her to the Christmas party at Quality where I had worked for 19 years.  They were like family to me and deserved to see the newest member of the group.  Babies change everything, plus they make you so super busy it is hard to have a life outside the house.  I took the "bring them into your life plan" and it worked for me.  Nicole went everywhere with me......and still does pretty much.  I am thankful. (It will change this year when she gets married in September). 

1852 - The Theatre of Celestial John opened on Telegraph Hill in San Francisco, CA. It was the first Chinese theatre in the U.S. 

Zurich Switzerland


  • Grossmünster (Great Minster) According to legend, Charlemagne discovered the graves of the city's martyrs Felix and Regula and had built the first church as a monastery; start of current building around 1100; in the first half of the 16th century, the Great Minster was the starting point of the Swiss-German Reformation led by Huldrych Zwingli and Heinrich Bullinger; declared by Charlemagne imperial church; romanesque crypt, romanesque capitals in the church and cloister; choir windows by Augusto Giacometti (1932) and Sigmar Polke (2009), bronze doors by Otto Münch (1935 and 1950).[60]
  • Fraumünster (Women's Minster) Church of a former abbey for aristocratical women from southern Germany which was founded in 853 by Louis the German for his daughter Hildegard; first church built before 874; the romanesque choir dates from 1250–70; the church enjoyed the patronage of kings and had the right of coinage from Zürich to the 13th century; after the Reformation, church and convent passed into the possession of the city; the most important jewelry – in addition to the largest organ in the canton with its 5,793 pipes and 92 stops – are color windows: the window in the north transept of Augusto Giacometti (1945), the five-part cycle in the choir (1970) and the rosette in the southern transept (1978) are by Marc Chagall; also the church of Zürich's largest choir with 100 and more singers.[61]
  • St. Peter romanesque-gothic-baroque church built on remains of former churches from before the 9th century; with the largest church clock face in Europe built 1538; baptismal font of 1598, baroque stucco; individual stalls from the 15th century from city repealed monasteries with rich carvings and armrests; Kanzellettner (increased barrier between the nave and choir with built-pulpit) of 1705 pulpit sounding board about 1790; rich Akanthus embellishment with Bible verse above the pulpit; 1971 new crystal chandelier modeled according 1710 design; organ in 1974 with 53 stops; Bells: five from 1880, the largest, A minor, without clapper weighs about 6,000 kg (13,228 lb); fire guard in the tower to the Middle Ages to 1911.[62]
  • Predigerkirche is one of the four main churches of the old town, first built in 1231 AD as a Romanesque church of the then Dominican Predigerkloster nearby the Neumarkt. It was converted in the first half of the 14th century, and the choir rebuilt between 1308 and 1350. Due to its construction and for that time unusual high bell tower, it was regarded as most high Gothic edifice in Zürich.[citation needed]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!!  Happy Birthday Scott V.

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