Monday, December 31, 2018

December 31, 2018 Monday#Always our God#Not a Ninja#Key West#NYE in Arezzo!

Get Faith
Revelation 1:8  "I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End." says the Lord, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."  Our years come and go, some good, some bad all with memories of what happened that year.  This year is no different.  Our God has been here for all of the years, for all time and will be from here and forever.  While we humans judge whether or not our year was good, the Lord watches and waits for us.  He hopes we stay connected to Him so that our futures can include eternity with Him.  Make next year a year with God - pray praise and worship Him everyday, remember who gave you life and watches you daily - and loves you.

Get Fit
I haven't worked out in a week, and, as little that I do, I notice the difference.  I will get back to it, not tomorrow, probably but the 2nd, because I am a habitual person.  If you are making that resolution - make a plan you will stick with, not something that you will tire of or get too busy for.  Be realistic as to what will work in your life.  Hey! if you are that person that joins a gym and turns into a Ninja! I applaud you!

On this day
1996  A day I would like to repeat today.  Nicole and I were in Key West with Aunt Margaret, Kathy, Peggy, Scott and Christina.  We were jammed into the midsize sedan for the long drive down the day before.  We toured the city on this day - the Trolley tour, shopping and the Shipwreck Museum.  We went to Hard Rock, bought T shirts , stopped at Isle Marada, got a picture of Nicole by a big fish at a fishing boat, and drove back up to Jupiter and had pizza at a restaurant.  We dropped everyone off and Nicole and I drove back to Stuart and celebrated New Year with Grandma and Grandpa.  I was younger then.

1996 - NCR Corp. became an independent company. 

The NCR Corporation (originally National Cash Register) is an American company that makes self-service kioskspoint-of-sale terminalsautomated teller machinescheck processing systems, barcode scanners, and business consumables
I thought cash registers - ha!

From Zurich to Arezzo Italy
We travel today from Switzerland to Italy.  Not a very long trip so we should be there in plenty of time to enjoy New Years Eve!
ArezzoArezzo is located in Italy  There is the country of Italy and Arezzo is located in the upper half.  Enjoy the trip!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday to Kathy G! and Happy New Year!

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