Thursday, December 20, 2018

December 20, 2018 Thursday#SING#and squat#Christmas past#Bicycle!

Get Faith
Psalm 5:11 "But let all who take refuge in You be glad, let them ever sing for joy."  Singing makes us happy, well unless it is a sad song, but usually we sing because we are happy.  The other night quite a few people from different churches around the area met at a brewery and sang Christmas songs.  If you know any Lutheran's they do love to sing - we take after Martin Luther (of A mighty Fortress fame)  who loved to sing, and drink beer.  It was a great coming together of different people that had the same desire.  To sing (loud) those songs that remind us of a great God who deserves our praise!  Loosen up!  Enjoy our faith with fellow believers!  Praise be to God!

Get Fit
Squats, lunges and jumping jacks - while singing Christmas songs and you are good for the day!

On this day
1982 - I had been working at Quality for 16 years, we were very much like family, some you got along with - others not so much.  At Christmas we had a party, in the shop, I think Chris and I made much of the food.  On this day I made spaghetti, probably a casserole type thing, which I was big on in those days.  We had drinks and lots of food and sat for hours enjoying each others company.  I think for many of them it was the biggest celebration they had for the holidays.  The older craftsman - like Steve L, had no family and probably few friends, that I remember, so it was a good thing to do.  Chris and I keep in touch but many of the rest of them are gone.  It is good to remember those we have shared life with during Christmas.

1606 - The "Susan Constant," "Godspeed" and "Discovery" set sail from London. Their landing at Jamestown, VA, was the start of the first permanent English settlement in AmericaI never remember hearing of this before, what about you??

Zurich Switzerland

Bicycle transport[edit]

In 2012, the city council launched a program to improve the city's attractiveness for bicycle traffic. The so-called "Masterplan Velo"[45] is part of the superordinate framework Stadtverkehr 2025which shapes the future of the different means of transport. Research revealed that infrastructure and the social environment are essential factors in improving a city's appeal to bicycle traffic.[46]Three main goals are specified: First, the modal share of bicycle traffic should be enhanced to twice the value of 2011 by 2015. Second, cyclists' safety should be improved to lower the overall accident risk. Third, cycling should be established as an everyday means of transport with a special focus on children and young people.
In terms of infrastructure, the city aims to build up a network of distinctive bicycle routes in order to achieve these objectives. At a final stage, the network will consist of main routes (Hauptrouten) for everyday use and comfort routes (Komfortrouten), with the latter focussing on leisure cycling. Additional measures such as special Velostationen providing bike related services are expected to help to further improve the quality. One of the key projects of the system is a tunnel beneath the tracks of the main railway station planned to combine a main connection with staffed possibilities where commuters can leave their bikes throughout the day.[47] Apart from infrastructural measures, further approaches are planned in the fields of communication, education and administration.
However, these efforts cause critique, mainly due to postponing. The institution of the bike tunnel at the main railway station, originally planned for 2016, is currently (2016) delayed to at least 2019.[48] Pro Velo, a nationwide interest group, has publicly questioned whether the masterplan already failed.[49] The critique aims at badly governed traffic management at construction sites, missing possibilities to park bikes in the city as well as rather diffident ambitions. In response, the responsible city department points to the big investments made every year and mentions ongoing discussions that would finally lead to even better results.[50]  As with everything it has its pros and cons.  We have started a lot of this in the 
United States as well.  Great idea - just from a health viewpoint!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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