Sunday, December 9, 2018

December 9, 2018 Sunday# Zechariah#Party at Sandy's#Zwingli

Get Faith
I was blessed to teach Sunday School today.  The story was about Zechariah, the father of John the Baptist.  It is not an often told part of the story, but has a similar ring to it - the old couple who never could have children and an angel appears to Zechariah and tells him they will have a baby and he doesn't believe and so loses his ability to speak.  Imagine, at an old age of finding his wife Elizabeth with child and he can't say a thing!  Well, when the child is born and he answers that the child's name is John, he can again speak and not only speak he sings a song to God in thanks and praise.  Who knew that Jesus' Uncle Zechariah wrote music?  A show of hands?   lol  me neither.  One little girl offered Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and so we sang that.  But you can read Zechariah's song in the Bible - Luke for example.

On this day
2011   It was a Friday and we had an inch of snow, just enough to make it messy.  Nicole and I drove over to Redford to celebrate my friend Don's daughter - Melissa's birthday.  We went to Sandy's a nice little bar/restaurant close to both of their homes.  Don went there a lot, the food was decent and the crowd was friendly.  The kids could order hot dogs or what ever they liked and everyone was happy.  I had a lot of great times with him and his family and I see on Facebook they are still celebrating and enjoying good times.  Happy Birthday to Melissa!

1625 - The Treaty of the Hague was signed by England and the Netherlands. The agreement was to subsidize Christian IV of Denmark in his campaign in Germany. More political info, we seem to thrive on it!

Zurich Switzerland
Zwingli started the Swiss Reformation at the time when he was the main preacher in the 1520s, at the Grossmünster. He lived there from 1484 until his death in 1531. The Zürich Bible, based on that of Zwingli, was issued in 1531. The Reformation resulted in major changes in state matters and civil life in Zürich, spreading also to a number of other cantons. Several cantons remained Catholic and became the basis of serious conflicts that eventually led to the outbreak of the Wars of Kappel.
Ulrich-Zwingli-1.jpg  In case you wanted to see Zwingli.

Enjoy the day!  make it memorable!    Happy Birthday Megan!!

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