Friday, December 28, 2018

December 28, 2018 Friday#Love and punishment#Where you are#Low key!

Get Faith
2 Kings chapter 5 tells us about a servant girl who tells the King that Elisha can heal his leading commander Naaman from leprosy.  So he sent Naaman to the king of Israel to find this man and the King got word from Elisha to tell the man to bath 7 times in the Jordan river, they were dismayed.  They were looking for something more entertaining or fantastical to achieve this great healing or even more convenient.  But, he finally did and was cured.  Later one of Elisha's servants, unknown to Elisha accepted payment for what Elisha had done for Naaman, in secret, but Elisha knew and Naaman's curse was visited on the servant and his family.  I took this from the 2 stories.  Trust in God when He says He will do something - He will.  And too, don't cross Him, don't think you can fool Him - He knows and sees all.  God is loving, kind and forgiving of His people when they turn to Him but has been known to bring locusts too.

On this day
1990  This was our first day in Florida.  We had drove down to the Condo to see Grandma and Grandpa in two days.  This day was perfect 80 degrees and sunny.  It was worth the two day trip in the car.  Mark walked to the boat store while I took the kids to the pool.  Everyone was happy.  I have friends on a cruise and many others that are in warmer climates right now.  Enjoy, we have 50 degrees here today - not bad.  How about you?  Enjoying the weather where you are?

1065 - Westminster Abbey was consecrated under Edward the Confessor. In case you wanted to know!  Think Jeopardy!

Zurich Switzerland


The 88-metre[69] Sunrise Tower (2005) was the first approved high-rise building in twenty years.
Compared to other cities, there are few tall buildings in Zürich. The municipal building regulations (Article 9)[70] limit the construction of high-rise buildings to areas in the west and north of the city. In the industrial district, in Altstetten and Oerlikon, buildings up to 80 meters (260 ft) in height are allowed (high-rise area I). In the adjacent high-rise areas II and III the height is limited to 40 meters (130 ft). Around the year 2000, regulations became more flexible and high-rise buildings were again planned and built. The people's initiative "40 metres (130 feet) is enough," which would have reduced both the maximum height and the high-rise buildings area, was clearly rejected on 29 November 2009.[71] At this time in Zürich about a dozen high-rise buildings were under construction or in planning, including the Prime Tower as the tallest skyscraper in Switzerland.                               
Panoramic view of Münsterhof square with some of the Guild houses

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Brandon!!

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