Tuesday, December 18, 2018

December 18, 20018 Tuesday #God's path#God and yoga#intruder#public transport

Get Faith
Proverbs 5:21  "For the ways of men are before the eyes of the Lord, and He ponders all his paths."  Does this refer to the many different paths that we have taken since God put us here?  Does God have a favorite?  I know what I know and have learned since a child.  Since then I have learned to question so that I can  better understand the scripture and have come to realize that only God knows the truth.  We try to learn and understand, but the best thing to do is trust in the Lord, pray to our Jesus for intervention and be the best people we can be.  Amen?

Get Fit
And what about Yoga?  Is this wrong because it is not mentioned in the Bible and is taught by a people who share a different faith?  Can I still get up in the morning and enjoy the benefits of a stretch and balance to make myself feel better and sometime - meditate - but to my God?  Check with God yourself and see.

On this day
1978  Pete and I had broke up - again, so I was home alone.  I had been busy all day, wrapping presents, talking on the phone to prospective dates, my ex mother in law (that I loved, Ann)  wrote a poem to my dad (don't know which one) and went to bed.  In the middle of the night my little dog Ziggy started barking and so I got up,  in the dark and was sneaking around and called 911.  The operator said she was sending a car but in the mean time TURN ON THE LIGHTS AND MAKE A LOT OF NOISE!!!  Ok, I did  and then the 2 officers came to the door and asked if the HUGE German Shepherd next door had barked.  No. They said then it was nothing more than a cat, etc that dog scared the crap out of them!  Good ole Ziggy!  But I remembered the advice!

1865 - U.S. Secretary of State William Seward issued a statement verifying the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. The amendment abolished slavery with the declaration: "Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction."  And yet it goes on - sex slaves, drug slaves and how about the oriental person that does your nails?  Be aware people!

Zurich Switzerland

Public transport[edit]

A paddle steamer on Lake Zürich
Public transport is extremely popular in Zürich, and its inhabitants use public transport in large numbers. About 70% of the visitors to the city use the tram or bus, and about half of the journeys within the municipality take place on public transport.[44] Within Zürich and throughout the canton of Zürich, the ZVV network of public transport has traffic density ratings among the highest worldwide. When adding frequency, which in Zürich can be as often as seven minutes, it does become the densest across all dimensions.[citation needed]Three means of mass-transit exist: the S-Bahn (local trains), trams, and buses (both diesel and electric, also called trolley buses). In addition, the public transport network includes boats on the lake and river, funicular railways and even the Luftseilbahn Adliswil-Felsenegg (LAF), a cable car between Adliswil and Felsenegg. Tickets purchased for a trip are valid on all means of public transportation (train, tram, bus, boat). The Zürichsee-Schifffahrtsgesellschaft (commonly abbreviated to ZSG) operates passenger vessels on the Limmat and the Lake Zürich, connecting surrounding towns between Zürich and Rapperswil.
Not sure we are using all of our resources - how about a water bus on the river?
Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Dean and Dan!!

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