Friday, December 14, 2018

December 14, 2018 Friday #Humility#Washing#Repetitive#All present!

Get Faith
James 4:6  "But He gives more grace.  Therefore He says; "God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble." "  We like to live with dignity and pride but God says he resists the proud.   I guess I need to look at what is proud.   We are proud of our children when they accomplish something, we are proud of ourselves for getting that raise.  I'm not sure that is the kind of proud in question here.  I think the pride and attitude that we are so much better than someone else is what the problem might be.   What do you think?

Get Fit
Pumped up some energy with dancing with Richard.  I have to get my kitchen scrubbed down after baking cookies all week.  I am the messiest cookie baker ever.  But it is worth it - and now I can get some exercise getting the house cleaned up again.  One hand washes the other.  Not sure what that means.

On this day
2016  So much of our lives is repetitive.  I notice that 2 years ago is almost a perfect repeat of my life this year.  I was involved in church, baking cookies, having dinner with my cousins and complaining about the cold weather.  There is some satisfaction that I can still do all of those things and I have survived it before, but I don't feel like it is monotonous - more comfortable.  Most people don't journal so they don't realize how their lives are much the same day to day.   I think the older I get the more similarity I see - it used to be interesting to see which bar I went to.  Not so much anymore and that is ok. lol  How about you?  Enjoying your life or do you need to change it up a bit?

1798 - David Wilkinson of Rhode Island patented the nut and bolt machine. I'm thinking that was pretty important then!

Zurich Switzerland


The City Council (Stadtrat) constitutes the executive government of the City of Zürich and operates as a collegiate authority. It is composed of nine councilors, each presiding over a department. Departmental tasks, coordination measures and implementation of laws decreed by the Municipal Council are carried out by the City Council. The regular election of the City Council by any inhabitant valid to vote is held every four years. The mayor (GermanStadtpräsident(in)) is elected as such by a public election by a system of Majorz while the heads of the other departments are assigned by the collegiate. Any resident of Zurich allowed to vote can be elected as a member of the City Council. In the mandate period 2018–2022 (Legislatur) the City Council is presided by mayor Corine Mauch. The executive body holds its meetings in the City Hall (GermanStadthaus), on the left bank of the Limmat. The building was built in 1883 in Renaissance style.
As of May 2018, the Zürich City Council is made up of three representatives of the SP (Social Democratic Party, one of whom is the mayor), two members each of the Green Party and the FDP (Free Democratic Party), and one member each of CVP (Christian Democratic Party) and AL (Alternative Left Party), giving the left parties a combined six out of nine seats.[30] The last regular election was held on 4 March 2018.[30]   Interesting, everyone is represented!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Michelle, Dan and Melanie!!

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