Friday, December 21, 2018

December 21, 2018 Friday #Our Father#Don't fall#Don't Drink and Drive#Lots of people!

Get Faith
Luke 2:49  "Why were you searching for me?: he asked.  "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father house?"  This was 12 year old Jesus questioning his parents Mary and Joseph.  They had started home, thinking he was following a long behind.  They discovered him missing and had to go back and find him.  Has this happened to you?  As parents we often think our children are complying only to find, well they were not, exactly.  Jesus had stayed in the temple and was speaking to the teachers and they were amazed at what he knew.  You can never know too much about your Fathers teachings.
I'm talking about God.

Get Fit
Worked out with those bands they give you to work out with when you are in therapy after a surgery or illness.  So, if the medical field think this is a valuable method of healing, why don't you?  Don't wait till you are in rehab after a fall, etc.  Get strong a head of the game!

On this day
1983  I had just met my future husband Mark a few months ago.  I knew very little about him, only what people told me, which was all very good.  There was some information missing, which when he was put into jail, in work release I found out. I didn't worry about it.  A lot of our friends should have been in jail for drinking and driving.  Heck, myself included.  So the entire month of December was about the guy from the family business picking him up in Oakland County and bringing him to work.  I would stop and see him on the way home before he had to report back at night.  I picked him up on the weekends and on this day and took him back myself.  Surprisingly they let him come out for Christmas.  This is a lesson to all of us.  Don't be that person!

1849 - The first ice-skating club in America was formed in Philadelphia, PAThats cool!  I still have my ice skates!  I could go to Campus Martius!!

Zurich Switzerland


Augustinergasse in the old town
There are 409,241 people living in Zürich (as of 31 December 2017),[2] making it Switzerland's largest city. Of registered inhabitants (in 2016), 32% (133,473) do not hold Swiss citizenship.[51] Of these, German citizens make up the largest group with 8% (33,548), followed by Italians 3.5% (14,543).[51]The population of the city including suburbs totals 1.19 million people.[6] The entire metropolitan area (including the cities of WinterthurBadenBruggSchaffhausenFrauenfeldUster/WetzikonRapperswil-Jona and Zug) has a population of around 1.83 million people.[6]

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Christy R!!

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