Sunday, December 16, 2018

December 16, 2018 Sunday #Baptized#silent butler#Natural boundaries

Get Faith
Luke 3:16 - ".....I baptize you with water; but one who is more powerful than I is coming;..."  John the Baptist knew his role in his cousin Jesus' life.  Go and prepare a road for him.  He called the people to repent and  be baptized - washed with the Holy Spirit to be ready for their Savior who would wash them clean of all their sins and save them from Satan and a sure death.  Are you baptized?  As a Christian it is a most important part of our spiritual life, along with communion that we remember who we belong to and why it is important to be baptized and communed. 

On this day
1975  Pete and I always managed to be together at the holidays.  On this day, after work Pete and I went to Somerset Mall Christmas shopping.  I lived in Birmingham, not to far from Somerset and I remember I was looking for a silent butler for his mother for Christmas.  Do you know what that is?  She was raised privileged in Russia as a child.  They always had tablecloths and fancy serving utensils, not just at the holiday - but more so at the holidays.  Because there was always a beautiful tablecloth there was a little sweeper thing (sterling silver in many cases) that you could run across the table between courses (and there were courses) to clean up crumbs.  Hers had broke and she dropped the hint that she could use a new one.  So off we went to Somerset, and yes they had one in a fancy store, and it was sterling silver.  She was thrilled (she loved me anyway) so better yet.  I wonder what happened to it, she, Tatjiana is gone now and so is Pete.

1835 - In New York, 530 buildings were destroyed by fire. Not surprising as most were probably wood built and close to each other.  Seems like a lot of early cities, Chicago, Detroit, San Francisco had similar problems.  

Zurich Switzerland
Zürich is situated at 408 m (1,339 ft) above sea level on the lower (northern) end of Lake Zürich (Zürichsee) about 30 kilometers (19 mi) north of the Alps, nestling between the wooded hills on the west and east side. The Old Town stretches on both sides of the Limmat, which flows from the lake, running northwards at first and then gradually turning into a curve to the west. The geographic (and historic) centre of the city is the Lindenhof, a small natural hill on the west bank of the Limmat, about 700 m (2,300 ft) north of where the river issues from Lake Zürich. Today the incorporated city stretches somewhat beyond the natural confines of the hills and includes some districts to the northeast in the Glatt Valley (Glattal) and to the north in the Limmat Valley(Limmattal). The boundaries of the older city are easy to recognize by the Schanzengraben canal. This artificial watercourse has been used for the construction of the third fortress in the 17th and 18th centuries.

The city stretches on both sides of the Limmat, which flows out of Lake Zürich. The Alps can be seen from the city center, background to the lake

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  Happy Birthday Annie!!

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