Friday, December 7, 2018

December 7, 2018 Friday#God's plan#pounds#holiday support#Zurich moving on up!

Get Faith
Genesis 32:10  "I am not worthy of the least of all your loving kindnesses shown me again and again just as your promised me."  This is Jacob praying to God and confessing he is not worthy.  After he had stolen his brother Esau's birth-rite now he is returning to him with his wealth and his family that God blessed him with.  He is sure that Esau will attack him and steal what he has and kill his family as according to law back then he had a right to.  But God had promised Jacob that it would be alright and it was.  Jacob was part of the promise to Abraham that would increase the descendants.  Even when we do wrong, if God has a plan for you He will make it right.  His plan, His promises are more important than any right or wrong credited to humans.  This world is not the important thing. 

Get Fit
Here come the holidays when NO ONE takes salad to a get together. Right?  Plan your attack to work out when you can!

On this day
2008  Nicole had a meeting in Lansing with Living Water and it was very cold and snowing.  It reminded me of all the times we went to the Gathering during the holidays with the high school kids.  It always seemed to snow.  While I reminisced about that we got a phone call from church.  A man, middle aged, successful, kids and a wife had committed suicide.  It really catches you off guard.  We had known his parents, Mom had worked for them, they had a very successful sporting goods store. That situation always comes with a variety of emotions, from the devastation to the immediate family to those of us who said hi in church or at his store.  You couldn't get anywhere near the funeral home for two days or the funeral at church.  They were a popular couple. Ten years  later I don't see his wife or kids at church anymore.  This is the time of year when we need to keep our hearts and eyes open to those who may be having a tough time, the holidays are rough for many.

 1431 - In Paris, Henry VI of England was crowned King of France. Vive la France!

Zurich Switzerland
Zürich gained Imperial immediacy (Reichsunmittelbar, becoming an Imperial free city) in 1218 with the extinction of the main line of the Zähringer family and attained a status comparable to statehood. During the 1230s, a city wall was built, enclosing 38 hectares, when the earliest stone houses on the Rennweg were built as well. The Carolingian castle was used as a quarry, as it had started to fall into ruin.[23]
Emperor Frederick II promoted the abbess of the Fraumünster to the rank of a duchess in 1234. The abbess nominated the mayor, and she frequently delegated the minting of coins to citizens of the city. The political power of the convent slowly waned in the 14th century, beginning with the establishment of the Zunftordnung (guild laws) in 1336 by Rudolf Brun, who also became the first independent mayor, i.e. not nominated by the abbess.
An important event in the early 14th century was the completion of the Manesse Codex, a key source of medieval German poetry. The famous illuminated manuscript – described as "the most beautifully illumined German manuscript in centuries;"[24] – was commissioned by the Manesse family of Zürich, copied and illustrated in the city at some time between 1304 and 1340. Producing such a work was a highly expensive prestige project, requiring several years work by highly skilled scribes[25] and miniature painters, and it clearly testifies to the increasing wealth and pride of Zürich citizens in this period.
They have been working on their wealth for a long time!

Enjoy the day!  Make it memorable!  

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